UTEducationStudent infoProgrammesCSPremaster and transfer minor

Premaster for HBO

With a suitable HBO degree (university of professional education) it is possible to carry out a Master’s of Science programme in Computer Science. However, a six month Premaster's before entering the Master's programme is compulsory. It is also possible to follow the Premaster's programme as part of your Bachelor's through a so-called transfer minor (doorstroomminor).


All master’s and Premaster’s courses are taught in English.

Starting date

The Premaster’s programme is only available in the autumn semester, starting at September 1st.

Admission to the master’s programme

The Premaster’s programme is a programme that has been separated from the Master’s programme. The student will only be admitted to the Master’s programme, if all courses of the Premaster’s programme have been finished with a sufficient examination result. The full Premaster’s programme must have been finished successfully within a year after the start of the programme (September 1st). If not, the student will be rejected for admission to the Master’s programme. Note that you can only start with the Master’s programme after you have finished the Premaster’s programme and you have been admitted to the Master’s programme. This is according to Dutch legislation (“harde knip”).

Premaster’s courses

The premaster’s programme is carried out during the first semester of the academic year (autumn) and consists of the following courses:



202001171 Calculus A (5EC)

202001177 Probability Theory and Statistics (3EC)

202001178 Linear algebra (3EC)

202001182 Algorithms Data Structures and Complexity (5EC)

Self-study intro to math lectures, no test

202001184 Discrete Mathematics + Introduction to math (discrete math lectures + exam, 4EC)

202000240 Academic research Skills (proposal/literature review)

202000240 Academic research Skills (paper and presentation)

HBO-minor students

The third year of most HBO-programmes is often dedicated to a minor-programme. For students, following a suitable HBO-programme it is possible to spend this period to take the Computer Science Premaster's programme via www.kiesopmaat.nl. After successful completion of the Premaster programme they will return to the HBO-university to finish their HBO-programme with a final project. After having finished their HBO-programme, including our Premaster’s programme, these students can be admitted directly to our Master’s programme.

If you carry out our Premaster’s programme within an HBO minor-programme, the same conditions will apply for admission to the Master’s programme. Of course an additional condition for admission to the Master’s programme is that you will have received your HBO-degree.

More information

For more information contact programme coordinator M. van Grinsven.