Software Technology (ST)

The Software Technology (ST) specialization is targeted towards computer science students whose ambition is to be qualified for one or more of the following job descriptions:

Software practitioners, who

Researchers, who

Tool builders, who

Programme mentor

dr. P. van den Bos (Petra)
Programme mentor ST E.M. Hahn (Moritz)
Programme mentor ST

The Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) group is responsible for the ST Master programme. 

Study Advisers

In order to enroll in this specialization, you should make a selection of the courses below, and fill in this course programme form.


The courses for the ST specialization are divided in categories to ensure education in a broad range of phases in the software engineering lifecycle, technologies, and application areas of software technology. To enrich the variety of courses in this specialization, we also include courses carried out by sister technical universities, Delft and Eindhoven.

In addition to the specialization courses, you must also comply to the overall programme requirements of Computer Science by following the course on Computer Ethics, as well as the Research Topics and Final Project courses.


Link to the course programme for Software Technology (