UTEducationStudent infoProgrammesCSE (BSc & MSc)CurriculumCurriculum M-CSEUpdate M-CSE curriculum 2024 - 2025 for new UT students

Update M-CSE curriculum 2024 - 2025 for new UT students

For academic year 2024 - 2025 we have an updated curriculum for our Master Chemical Science and Engineering.


The information on this page is for students who start their Master Chemical Science & Engineering in September 2024 as a student new to UT

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The updates

There are some updates to the Master Chemical Science and Engineering starting academic year 2024 – 2025. Naturally, we understand that an update to the curriculum may come as an unexpected surprise: you may have chosen the Master Chemical Science & Engineering specifically because of its curriculum, and we completely understand any questions or confusion. However, don't worry, because we will make sure that you will still be able to take the previous curriculum, if you want to. However, we do ask you to look at the changes as described here and look whether the updated curriculum would be of your interest.

The updated curriculum is quite similar to the previous one and we are sure that the new structure gives you a more comprehensive course package.

In order to give you a more encompassing curriculum, the following updates have been made:


Schematic view (click image to enlarge)

The global structure for each M-CSE specialisation

Year 1 (60 EC's)

Compulsory Courses

Each specialisation has its own set of compulsory courses

Profile Courses

Each specialisation has 2 -4 profiles and you get to choose one of the profiles offered

Elective Courses

You complete the minimum amount  of 60 EC's for year 1 by adding elective courses to the compulsory and profile courses, in compliance with the rules for electives as described in the programme specific EER.

Year 2 (60 EC's)


During your second year, you follow an internship within a company in order to gain work experience and apply the knowledge you have gained during your studies

Final Master's Assignment

You will join one of the CSE research groups and work on your master’s thesis project

How to find your specialisation and profile

You can find your specialisation and profile based on the specialisation that you are admitted to:

  • I am admitted to Chemical & Process Engineering (CPE)

    This specialisation still has the same name and the same compulsory courses. Have a look at the four different profiles of the CPE specisalisation and choose the one you would like to take.

  • I am admitted to Molecular & Materials Engineering (MME)

    Have a look at both the Molecules & Organic Materials specialisation and the Materials specialisation. Which one has your preference? Choose one of the two and then have a look at the profiles that are offered within the specialisation of your choice.

    Another option is the Double Degree programme with the University of Parma

  • I am admitted to Materials, Science & Engineering (MSE)

    There are no changes to the MSE curriculum, as it is a multi-disciplinary master.

Updated curricula of the master CSE

Specialisation: Chemical & Process Engineering (cpe)

The Sustainable Chemical & Process Engineering specialisation has five compulsory courses (32.5 EC's) and offers a choice from one of four profiles:

Please note that the curricula above may be subject to change.

SPECIALISATION: Molecules and organic materials (MOL)

Chemistry is called ‘the central science’, because it is at the core of present-day interdisciplinary science and technology. The Molecules and Organic Materials specialization aims to present you with chemical engineering from a molecular perspective and to deepen your molecular thinking in a scientific direction of your choice.

The Molecules and Organic Materials specialisation has 6 compulsory courses (25 EC's) and offers a choice from one of three profiles:

Please note that the curricula above may be subject to change.

specialisation: Materials (MAT)

Progress in many branches of science and technology depends critically on the availability of new and better materials that are tailored to the needs of our 21st century global society. From sustainable and recyclable materials to advanced materials for energy harvesting and storage technologies, materials chemistry and materials engineering play a central role in this multidisciplinary field of science.

The Materials specialisation has five compulsory courses (22.5 EC's) aand offers a choice from one of two profiles:

Please note that the curricula above may be subject to change.


If you choose to follow the Master’s in Chemical Science & Engineering with the specialisation in either Molecules and Organic Materials or Materials, you have the opportunity to follow a double degree, that we offer together with our partner university, the University of Parma in Italy. Upon completion of this two-year programme, you will receive two Master’s degrees:


You can find more information here, or have a look at the curricula below:


  • What if I want to do the previous curriculum?

    We make use of a transition regulation for students who are new to UT and have been accepted to our M-CSE programme starting in September 2024. You will still be able to follow the previous curriculum. However, we advise you to follow the new curriculum, as it gives a more comprehensive course package.

  • I was admitted to MME - what do I do now?

    If you are admitted to MME per September 2024, you can choose between the following specialisations:

    1. Molecules and Organic Materials
    2. Materials
    3. Molecular & Materials Engineering (MME)

    If you choose either the Specialisation Molecules and Organic Materials or the Specialisation Materials, you will also have to choose a Profile.

  • How can I let you know which profile I would like to take?

    You can let us know through this form (takes only 1 minute to fill out).

  • I'm planning to follow the MSE specialisation - what do the updates mean for me?

    There are no updates to the MSE specialisation: the updates are not applicable to the MSE specialisation. Nothing changes for MSE-students.

  • I have a question that has not been answered yet

    If you have any questions, please let us know through cse-programme@utwente.nl or plan a meeting with Charlotte Diepenmaat, Study Adviser M-CSE, through the TNW Planner.