UTVrijhof CultureCalenderThe struggle’s whisper

The struggle’s whisper Floor Coolsma & Karin Hoogesteger

An art exhibition on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Karin Hoogesteger and Floor Coolsma exhibit their work in the period around International Women's Day, 8 March. Both artists show subtlety in their way of working. The texture of the works shows sensitivity. Artists exposing in a honest, genuine way. A female way of working perhaps? 

The title given to the exhibition might refer to several different ways of thinking about life and looking at art. For example: is it about the struggle of two artists combining motherhood with making art? Or the struggle of being sensitive or showing what innocence means ? Or is it another feeling or concept they converted into art? 

For Karin Hoogesteger creating art is experienced like philosophising with different means. It’s a search to the core of existence and the question is more important than the answer. "What promise is hidden within a child, how does the surrounding world effect children?" These are questions the artist asks herself.

The works of Floor Coolsma are fairy tales with a dark edge. They always look seemingly innocent and friendly. It’s color is light, almost white often, they can look transparent that way. But they also tend to have a sharp edge, although not always out loud and in your face. Poetry of the twilight zone?

Opening in the presence of the exhibitors on Wednesday 8 March, 17:30 hrs.

TIP: Make your night out complete with Vrijhof Culture dish in Theatercafe Vrijhof!