UTVrijhof CultureCalenderSelected works / Asia, USA, The Netherlands

Selected works / Asia, USA, The Netherlands Peter Riezebos

Alumnus Peter Riezebos; moved up via the MAVO to student at the University of Twente and Harvard and is now a successful and passionate artist in Shanghai, China. Vrijhof Culture shows a small but diverse selection of his work. 

Creativity is the central theme in the life of Peter Riezebos, he grew up with drawing and painting as a method to express himself.

Riezebos was diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger in his childhood. His school years were a difficult period in which he daily used his creativity to deal with reality. Due to a major depression and related problems, Riezebos was admitted to a clinic for a year. Step by step he climbed out of this deep valley and started studying with the help of his girlfriend Lindy. Successfully! He did four studies at the University of Twente: Psychology, Philosophy, Communication Science and Business Administration. His development in that period he summarized in 2014 in the book "From MAVO to Harvard", in the extension of which there was an exhibition of his paintings in the small exposition room of the Vrijhof. He further translated his experiences on creative lines in paintings, drawings and poems.

As an ADHD person, Peter enjoys a strong associative ability. Instead of a mental obstacle he uses this unlimited creativity as a gift. He allows himself to be seduced into subconscious expressions. It is precisely from his appreciation for this spontaneous, pure creativity that he is a COBRA-style lover: "What I now make comes from the neo-expressionist angle, with intense, powerful use of color. I always paint from my head. Sixty to seventy percent is done on the basis of visualization; the rest is ad hoc decisions during the process. For the mental challenge, I also like to paint six to eight works at the same time.

The art of Peter Riezebos is very popular in China. Last year he received the Rising Star award during the gala of the Chamber of Commerce Benelux in Shanghai. Riezebos recently exhibited in China in the Duolun Museum of Modern art in Shanghai. In 2016, Riezebos was selected from hundreds of artists to provide the official Chinese New Year show for the Xintiandi district of Shanghai. For this event the area was transformed with hundreds of flags, posters and paintings into a public art show.

Peter Riezebos now lives for most of the year in Shanghai. In 2009 he went to this city for the first time: "I was immediately very impressed. From the skyline, the dynamics, positivism, the upward economy. China is awakening. In Shanghai I encountered a gigantic, unrestrained positivity. When I am there, I feel very comfortable." Above the article about Peter in the Tubantia of 7 January, he even found that he had found tranquility in this metropolis with over 24 million inhabitants. A fascinating combination! 

This exhibition was on initiative of, and is made possible by, the Twente University Fund in honor of its 70th birthday. On December 17, 1948, her legal predecessor, the ‘Technical Higher Education Foundation for the North and East Netherlands', was established. The objective of the foundation has remained unchanged in all these years: providing effective support to the University of Twente. The University Fund can grant this support through donations from private individuals and companies.

For Peter Riezebos, the presentation of his book 'From MAVO to Harvard' was the reason to set up the Peter Riezebos Fund. With a part of the proceeds from his book, from lectures and from the sale of his artworks, he wants to support motivated and talented students (with or without learning obstacles) financially and emotionally. By setting up this fund, he would like to give something back to the University of Twente, the university that has set itself up very flexibly and facilitating in its special learning trajectory. But above all, he wants to support students in situations that the regular educational program does not provide. "Because of my personal experiences, I know that people differ greatly in their learning. It is important that everyone can learn in the way that suits him or her best. I was lucky.

With this exhibition the Twente University Fund thanks Peter Riezebos for setting up and 'funding' his own Fund by Name

The opening in presence of Peter Riezebos will take place on Thursday 1 March at 7.30 pm. 
Affirmed speakers are Thom Palstra (Rector Magnificus University of Twente) and Gé Klein Wolterink (member of the Twente University Fund board). In addition, Onno van Veldhuizen (Mayor of Enschede) is also trying to be present.