UTVrijhof CultureCalenderStart Creative Painting & Drawing

Start Creative Painting & Drawing Louis van Aarle

Sometimes while walking in a museum,  secretly admiring a particular painting and struck by the feeling it gives you, you wonder how the painter succeeded in bringing this feeling across. This and more you will learn in the course Creative Painting & Drawing.

By getting to know  different  art styles you learn to develop various skills that stimulate your creativity. Of course there is also the possibility to work on your own subjects and themes. If you are for example interested in model drawing, then that’s possible. You get acquainted with all kinds of motives and material and are supported and facilitated in finding your own personal way  in this creative process.

• 8 weeks, 3 hrs, (19.00-22.00 hrs)

• Start Quartile 4: Monday 29 April, follow-up May 6-13-20-27, June 3-17-24

Registration starts at Monday 11 March 2019.


Students with UnionCard€ 80,-
Employees University of Twente€ 80,-
Start Creative Painting & Drawing Louis van Aarle