UTVrijhof CultureCalenderShaffy & Brass - is postponed

Shaffy & Brass - is postponed Micheline Van Hautem, Student Wind Orchestra SHOT & special guest Jos Jansen

We're looking a new date for this concert, which will be announced as soon as possible.

The most beautiful songs of Ramses Shaffy, with wind orchestra! 

After the success of Brel & Brass, Shaffy & Brass  is the new project of singer  Micheline Van Hautem; the unforgettable chansons of Ramses Shaffy, accompanied every evening by a different wind orchestra or brass band.  Of course, our own Student Wind Orchestra SHOT is participating again. 

Brel & Brass turned out to be a golden formula and has now crossed the line of 80(!) editions with as many local or regional orchestras.  And now it’s time for the glowing music of Ramses Shaffy in combination with the warm, but often also rousing brass of the orchestra. All arrangements are new and specially written for  Shaffy & Brass by by acclaimed composers Jan Nellestijn, Peter Habraken, Guus Janssen and Jos Jansen. 

Before the break, SHOT plays an instrumental program of 30 minutes. After the break it is time for Micheline Van Hautem to perform the most beautiful songs by Ramses Shaffy. Special guest during Shaffy & Brass  is again the phenomenal bass trombonist  Jos Jansen. He is well known soloist within the HaFaBra world, at home and abroad. 

The press is unanimously praising Brel & Brass:

'... a phenomenal concert... standing ovation'.

 '... all kinds of emotion: from exuberant cheerfulness to understated melancholy'.

 'Absolute star of the evening was Micheline Van Hautem; the Flemish singer who did justice to the legacy of her compatriot Jacques Brel.'

'... grandiose performances in which the charming singer and the robust bass trombodeist Jos Jansen took the evening to great heights in perfect interplay with orchestra and conductor'.                                                                                                                                     

'The highlight of Brel & Brass: Ne me evened out that in the South African version Moe nie departure was not called. A mouse-quiet room sucked up the nuts and had no intention of missing a single one'.


Students€ 5,-
Employees University of Twente€ 7,50
Others€ 12,50
Shaffy & Brass - is postponed Micheline Van Hautem, Student Wind Orchestra SHOT & special guest Jos Jansen