Performance | FALL Dansblok (Free)

We search, balance and drift

This performance is free to watch

More and more, we all live on our own little islands. Everyone lives and looks after themselves mainly. We assume that others will also take care of themselves. Indeed, ‘the other’ is a threat to our own safe existence. On our little islands, we all do our utmost to survive and flourish. We search, balance and keep ourselves afloat.

But what happens when that no longer works? When do you dare to ask for help and manage to accept it? Are you willing to help another? When does competition turn into connection? What do these choices say about yourself and how do we emerge stronger together from this polarising society?

FALL is a surprising performance in which the dancers have to make choices between helping each other or going for your own ass. We balance on the edge of our familiar existence.

Performance | FALL Dansblok (Free)