UTVrijhof CulturePerformance | Leaving Trumpland 2.0

Performance | Leaving Trumpland 2.0 Greg Shapiro


Greg Shapiro will present a new version of his previous show: 'Leaving Trumpland 2.0'. In this show, he brings a survival guide for the upcoming elections, with his signature razor-sharp sense of humour.

We thought we were rid of him, but there he is again... In the performance 'Leaving Trumpland 2.0', Greg Shapiro once again tries to say goodbye to his Trump impersonation, known among others from the 'Netherlands Second' video on 'Zondag met Lubach'.

With this show, Shapiro (Boom Chicago, BNR, Comedy Central) steams Dutchmen and expats ready for the US presidential election next 5 November. 'Leaving Trumpland' (directed by Michael Diederich) was Greg Shapiro's sixth solo show and earned him rave reviews. Cabaret, stand-up and a touch of improvisation, on topics such as campaigning, postal voting and refugees as neighbours, as well as how Shapiro lost his stepfather to corona after being infected by Trump supporters. 

This revised version addresses all sorts of current questions. Will Trump really become president again? Will the senior Biden make it to election day at all? Can you actually be president when so many lawsuits are filed against you? One thing is certain: whether he wins or not, Trump will declare his own victory anyway. 

 “A very sharp and dangerous edge (…). Highly recommended.” –  ArtsTalk Magazine

"A frighteningly real fake Trump" - Het Parool

If Trump loses again now, we will (hopefully) leave Trumpland behind forever. But what if he wins? Will Shapiro then ever be able to return to his homeland? Part of his family lives in 'Deep Red States', where you better not put a Biden sticker on your car. Other relatives believe Joe Biden is a paedophile with alien DNA. But if Shapiro manages to survive Thanksgiving with these people, then (especially after this performance) we can handle the upcoming elections too.

‘Leaving Trumpland 2.0’ is performed in English, with some content in Dutch.


Watch the show's teaser here!

Photographer: Adrie Mouthaan. Creatives: Directed by Michael Diederich | Text: Greg Shapiro 


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Performance | Leaving Trumpland 2.0 Greg Shapiro