UTServicesLISADigital Competence Centre, DCCNewsletter 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education, March 2021

Newsletter 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education, March 2021

The newest edition of the 4TU.CEE newsletter is available, with the following news items:

- Peer feedback in higher education
- Webinar series challenge based education at 4TU
- Home situation issues and autonomy in courses affect student well-being
- Recordings and blogs of Challenge-Based Education webinar sessions available
- Blog on post-pandemic education design
- Challenge-based learning for Biomedical Engineering students at TU Delft
- Tool support for structured drawings in automated feedback assessment
- Building with Nature publication
- Cindy Poortman new 4TU.CEE leader University of Twente
- Many interesting workshops and events on the agenda