UTServicesLISADigital Competence Centre, DCCStronger together: Fostering collaboration between the University of Twente’s Digital Competence Center, the Open Science Community Twente, & 4TU.ResearchData

Stronger together: Fostering collaboration between the University of Twente’s Digital Competence Center, the Open Science Community Twente, & 4TU.ResearchData

In 2022, the University of Twente’s Digital Competence Center (UT DCC), the Open Science Community Twente (OSCT) and 4TU.ResearchData are joining forces to co-organise events and thematic sessions for researchers, lecturers, and support staff in their shared journey towards open science. 

As we navigate the transition from ’science 1.0 to science 2.0’, it’s true to say that open science is no longer a niche endeavour. Funders, policy makers, institutions, and journals worldwide are increasingly demanding researchers to adopt open research practices. Moreover, there are an overwhelming number of open science initiatives being developed and communicated via online events to inform and inspire researchers, lecturers, and support staff. Collectively, this can place a burden of choice on them.

Last year, the UT DCC, OSCT and 4TU.ResearchData independently organised events for their respective communities that focussed on similar open science themes (see the UT DCC thematic sessions, Open Science Kitchen and 4TU.ResearchData events).

Upon reflecting at the end of 2021, we realised that we could be more efficient in our approach to hostingUT DCC thematic sessions events. For this reason, we decided to harmonise our parallel efforts to provide our community members with a coordinated events schedule. 

By reducing the number of events, we hope to lessen the burden on researchers and make planning their event attendance simpler. We also anticipate that our cross-institutional collaboration will help us reach a broader audience, stimulate diverse discussions and strengthen relationships for an improved learning experience among participants.

What’s on? The next three months… 

January | Open Education in Transition. Social Movement or Evidence-based Research Domain? | DATE: 27th January 2022 at 14.00 hrs.

The OSCT will make a start and host an Open Science Kitchen event in January. Prof. Marco Kalz (UNESCO chair of open education of the Open University) will speak about “Open Education in transition. Social movement or evidence-based research domain?”. For more information and links to the online meeting, see https://www.openscience-twente.com/

February | 4TU.ResearchData: A repository service and community for FAIR data | DATE: 24th February 2022 at 16.00 hrs.

4TU.ResearchData will present an overview of their repository services and community for FAIR data. Part one of the presentation provides more detailed information about the technical infrastructure to support FAIR data. Part two provides information about the community (human infrastructure) around the data repository. 

March | Open Science Week 2022 | DATE: TBA (probably last week of March)

We plan to host a joint and hybrid Open Science week with speakers, a poster session, and networking over coffee (if Corona allows).

Event program coming soon!

Who we are


The network for expertise on open science - especially fair data and open access-, digitalization of science and research ICT facilities. As a partner, we want to support UT researchers and connect them with expertise and services elsewhere inside and outside our university. We work closely with researchers on optimal solutions with a focus on innovation.


OSCT is an interdisciplinary, bottom-up community to promote, learn, share, and discuss Open Science practices.


4TU.ResearchData is an international data repository for science, engineering and design. Its services include curation, sharing, long-term access and preservation of research datasets. These services are available to anyone around the world. In addition, 4TU.ResearchData also offers training and resources to researchers to support them in making research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR).

If you have any questions or suggestions for topics/events that you’d like to see from this collaboration, please feel free to contact us: dcc@utwente.nl