UTServicesLISADigital Competence Centre, DCCMore UT researchers published data in 4TU. ResearchData in 2021

More UT researchers published data in 4TU. ResearchData in 2021

In 2021, four times as many UT researchers published a set of research data in the 4TU.ResearchData repository  as in 2020. In 2021, 113 UT datasets were published in this 'trusted' repository of the four Dutch technical universities. Publishing data is an important part of the UT's Research Data Management Policy. It increases the findability and reuse of the data, and the verifiability of research.

Greater visibility
Publishing your data in the 4TU.ResearchData repository is free of charge for UT researchers, and it increases the visibility of your research projects. You can publish your data in 4TU.ResearchData as a stand-alone dataset or linked to a publication. By sharing research data, you contribute to accelerating science by allowing others to reuse this data. By choosing a license yourself, you can determine what someone else can do with the data.

Number of views and downloads
You can see in the repository how many times your dataset has been viewed and downloaded.

Advice or support from your faculty's Data Steward
Do you want advice or support in publishing your research data? Please contact the data steward of your faculty. You will find an overview of all specialists (data stewards and IT account managers) who can help you on the website of UT's Digital Competence Centre.