UTDesignLabJamila Blokzijl | Concept Developer DesignLab

Connecting Worlds for a Better Future

CONNECTING WORLDS FOR A BETTER FUTURE | reflecting on the past and present to create possible futures


Project overview

This project was part of Dutch Design Week 2022. It was about visualising how to use the past and present to create a future that you want to live in, together with people around you with different values and disciplines. 

  • In short
    • Full name: Connecting Worlds for a Better Future
    • Duration: April 2022 - June 2023
    • Funding: University of Twente
    • Status: Project Closed
  • How it started

    Project manager Kris reached out to concept developer Jamila to write a narrative for the UT. The next idea was to create a meeting point that would be at the exhibition of the UT at Dutch Design Week, at the Ketelhuisplein. Additionally, the idea was to give visitors something meaningful to keep and play with after the Dutch Design Week.

    The combination became an interactive story or a narrative experience, used during and after the Dutch Design Week.

  • Objectives

    The goals for this project were:

    • Empower visitors and show them that they can contribute to solving societal challenges in collaboration with people and organisations that presented their research and concepts at Dutch Design Week.
    • Show people the essence of Responsible Futuring
    • Make visitors active change makers.
  • From process to realisation

    The challenge was the fact that UT was involved in various programmes at Dutch Design Week, with various target groups and stories. DesignLab was involved in the programmes of Embassy of Health, 4TU Design United, and Drive-Click NL. They all had their own story. And Dutch Design Week had their own theme as well ('Get Set'). How to connect them all? She figured the best way to do is to make sure that the visitors take centre stage, when telling the story near this meeting point.

    DreamTeamers were able to sign up for each project. Each student that signed up had a different background, each had different disciplines, different mindsets. This was very valuable, but also challenging.

  • Results

    The team created an interactive installation that brought along many nicknames... The lightbox, the tree, the rotating thing. We heard it all. The installation was also presented to the municipality of Enschede during a Responsible Futuring Workshop, as well as during the Open House of the University. It helped to visualise that everyone can become owners for solutions for the future

    A card game was also developed to explain the last part of the story, which used the principles of Responsible Futuring and showcased them through stories which had been visualised. To see it or read more, click here. The card game was played by more than 400 users: during Girls Day, The Open Day at the UT for prospective students, the Transdisciplinary Master-Insert 'Shaping Responsible Futures' and during a tosti talk

  • Bonus content

Collaboration partners

Meaningful impact

Jamila is proud of this project, because of the fact that so many different students were involved in the creation process. From students from Electrical Engineering, to Psychology, to work on the story and to realise the final product. That goes hand in hand with what we stand for at DesignLab: We embrace multiple perspectives. We are all equal and in this together. We can be confident about our lived experiences, present lives, and create futures together. 

Looking ahead: What you can do

Everyone has a different background. You probably have different disciplines than the people around you. Instead of letting this be a barrier, let it be a source of knowledge! Let this be a way to learn from each other. Share with each other. By starting with a simple conversation, you can contribute to solving societal challenges. A small spark can start a fire... This project relates to two of our 'areas of expertise': Transdisciplinary Work, and Responsible Innovation Network. 


Would you like to know more, join, collaborate, receive more inspiration? Please contact Concept Developer, Jamila Blokzijl. 

ing. J. Blokzijl (Jamila)
Concept developer (communication)