UTDesignLabJoost Kuiper | Policy advisor Province of Overijssel


RRI2SCALE | Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy


Project overview

The University of Twente, represented by DesignLab joined forces with the Province of Overijssel in a European project to discover the potential of 'Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy' RRI2SCALE.

  • In short
    • Full name: : RRI2SCALE (Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy)
    • Duration: January 2020 - January 2024
    • Funding: Horizon 2020
    • Budget: € 81.000
    • Status: Project Closed
  • How it started

    The province of Overijssel and the University of Twente signed a collaboration agreement in 2018, which resulted in the joint participation in this European project. The method chosen for the project matches the vision of UT, as defined in strategy Shaping 2030, which focuses on Citizen Science, Responsible Design, Open Science and Public Engagement. 

    Within RRI2SCALE, DesignLab is responsible for setting up workshops in the four regions on future scenarios and regional innovation agendas. DesignLab explicitly focuses on Citizen Science and involving citizens in designing solutions to social challenges, such as energy transition, sustainable mobility, and smart cities. With Responsible Design and Citizen Science as its focus areas, DesignLab is well equipped for this.

  • Objectives

    Both at the national and international level, more and more
    people recognize the need to design and carry out responsible research and innovation RRI, which entails the design of inclusive and sustainable research and innovation. The goal of the project was to design an approach between 2020 to 2023, to enable regions to make their research and innovation policies inclusive and future-proof. Apart from Overijssel, the European regions Galicia, Crete, and the Norwegian Vestland participated.

  • From process to realisation

    One of the most pressing and complicated issues for EU regions is that of designing and developing regional innovation policies that promote sustainable development, societal inclusion and citizen participation under a framework of democratic governance.

    RRI2SCALE aims to foster this process in four pilot EU regions by empowering the regional ecosystems and boosting their future development trajectories in the Research & Innovation (R&I) domain. The project’s pilot actions are operationalised upon a triple scheme of “smart cities – transport – energy”, all of which are considered institutional vehicles for sustainable growth. The ultimate end is to introduce a new democratic model of governance in the regional R&I ecosystems.

    Seeking to embed Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) processes into the current R&I ecosystems, DesignLab was responsible for mapping and understanding societal signals that exist within the selected regions. DesignLab was also responsible for the design of the communication strategy and leading the project’s communication activities.

    Dr. Anne Dijkstra, researcher in the field of Science Communication and a DesignLab Research Fellow, is responsible for research and development of techno-moral scenarios within this project.

    Anne Dijkstra,, researcher at BMS Faculty & DesignLab fellow

    The project is a great way to better connect the university with what is happening in the region, and to take this into account in research

    Anne Dijkstra,, researcher at BMS Faculty & DesignLab fellow
  • Results

    Anne Dijkstra shares 'There is a lot of work done on responsible innovation, but not on regional innovation. For this project we used the framework of Scenario Exploration System as a tool to start a multi-stakeholder dialogue with partners in four different regions: Galicia, Spain, Overijssel, The Netherlands, Vestland, Norway, and Crete, Greece. 

    Workshops were held for different stakeholders such as policymakers, business people, academics, civil society, and organisations. The workshops put emphasis on the fact that there is a public voice. With the help of the scenarios, beased on the three challenges that the region is facing (smart transportation, energy transition, and smart cities) the team builds up scenarios, and listens to them. Everyone is trying to take action in the role of the actual explorer. The DreamTeam, researchers, stakeholders contributed in adapting this tool for the purpose of this project. 

  • Bonus content

Collaboration partners

Meaningful impact

This project promoted collaboration between regions in developing and designing regional innovation policies. This is important, because meaningful impact was made in 4 different regions. Collaboration is an important part of making impact, because when multiple stakeholders work together in a transdisciplinary way, the results are so much richer. 

Looking ahead: What you can do

Making an impact for society doesn't come without effort. This project allowed different people with different backgrounds to work together to research and develop tools that can be used in the future to tackle societal challenges.  


Would you like to know more, join, collaborate, or receive more inspiration? Please contact Programme Manager Maya

dr. M.M. van den Berg (Maya)
Program Manager