UTDesignLabSami Auji | MSc Industrial Design Engineering and DreamTeam family member

Energy Vision 2050

energy vision 2050 | province of overijssel


Project overview

The Province of Overijssel is in the midst of working on a plan for energy in 2050. To do so most efficiently, they requested a tool of some sorts to help them get to their solutions quicker. Or at least be able to have fruitful conversations about it. DesignLab was perfect for the job. 

  • In short
    • Full name: Energy Vision 2050
    • Duration: November 2023 - February 2024
    • Funding: Province of Overijssel  
    • Status: Project Closed
  • How it started

    The Province House of Overijssel that is located in Zwolle is creating a plan for energy vision for the year 2050. This plan will focus on topics such as resources, electricity supply, and green energy. 

    The province aims to achieve this through open discussions with different stakeholders in the community such as residencies, organisations, companies, etc. Stakeholders are being included so that there will be a more specific understanding of the community's energy needs and interest. 

    Because these topics are so complex and require extensive thought, the energy vision team wanted to have an efficient way to do so. The team reached out to DesignLab and requested the DreamTeam to develop a tool that could help to guide the discussion. 

  • Objectives

    The goals for this project were:

    • Develop a tool that simplifies the difficult context of the energy vision for 2050
    • Make the tool playable
    • Make sure that using the tool results in having new perspectives 
    • Let this tool be able to be used by everyone (energy vision team, citizens, people with no background or former knowledge on these topics)
  • From process to realisation

    The process went smoothly. Sami focused on designing the prototype, and Ilayda and Merlijn led the sessions with the province. After many sessions, ideas were shared, and prototypes were iterated. The only struggle that the team noticed, was that it was difficult to come up with something entirely new. By using the Responsible Futuring Approach, the team was able to deal with that struggle. Hvaing so many workshops brought energy and creativity to the team. 

  • Results

Collaboration partners

Meaningful impact

Co-creation and collaboration are two very important parts of making a change. We at DesignLab value our collaborations with stakeholders, because we can all work on societal issues together by combining perspectives, experiences, and disciplines. Everyone has something to bring to the table. Whether you are a policy maker, a student, an artist, a citizen, or anyone. 

Looking ahead: What you can do

Are you ever struggling to come up with a solution? Or to efficiently have a discussion about an important topic? Use resources. This tool was implemented into the meetings with the Province of Overijssel. It helped them to think differently, communicate differently, and come up with different solutions. You can too!


Would you like to know more, join, collaborate, receive more inspiration? Please contact Sami Auji. 

Sami Auji