1-day workshop

Responsible Futuring in 1 daY  

Discover in just one day how to shape sustainable futures for better strategic choices today. This interactive workshop by DesignLab Academy is packed with inspiration and practical tools that will teach you to envision the future and provide insights that you can act upon now. During this workshop, you will collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, such as scientists alongside artists, entrepreneurs alongside government officials, and managers alongside students, to explore what the future holds for the challenges we face today. Each edition focuses on a different theme. We alternate between addressing issues within the themes of climate & sustainability, innovation & health, and the digital society.

You will learn:

For whom?

The target audience for this workshop is highly diverse, including professionals from the business sector or government institutions, entrepreneurs, students, citizens, artists, innovators, changemakers, policymakers, future thinkers, and leaders. Participants in the workshop are seeking to deepen their work practice and view futures thinking as a suitable innovative approach for developing new strategies. To create a truly transdisciplinary learning experience for each edition, we encourage diverse groups to participate.


  • Onboarding

    Reflecting on personal learning goals and getting acquainted with the content of the masterclass, instructors, and other participants.

  • Phase 1: Connect & Relate

    Learn about the importance of involving different perspectives and get acquainted with creative techniques for collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds, worldviews, and perspectives.

  • Phase 2: Understand & Frame

    Learn how to structure and position different perspectives in relation to a societal challenge. Learn how to identify potential tensions and opportunities and use them to outline frameworks for possible future scenarios.

  • Lunch and inspiration tour in DesignLab

    As an ecosystem for transdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to collectively shape the future in which we want to live.

  • Phase 3: Imagine & Ideate

    Get acquainted with various design techniques and bring possible futures to life. Experience the impact of prototyping techniques and gain insights into the ethical and societal implications of ideas.

  • Phase 4: Reflect & Reframe

    Learn from the future to make informed decisions today. Get started with principles and guidelines for strategies that aim for desirable futures.

  • Reflection & learning

    Share and discuss insights and potential applications in your own work practice.

Contact us

Are you curious about what the future holds for us? Do you want to learn from people you wouldn't normally encounter? And are you eager to learn together from the future for our actions today? Contact us