UTDesignLabTosti Talk XXL

Tosti Talk XXL Transdisciplinary Master-Insert

Tosti Talk is back, and better! This academic year, we are re-introducing you to Tosti Talk XXL. Every other Tuesday you'll be invited to DesignLab to enjoy the well known tostis, and be inspired by the speaker. This year, we are inviting researchers, students, and more to take the stage and share their passion. 

And first up, are Mats van Dalen and Klaasjan Visscher! This Tosti Talk XXL will introduce you to the Transdisciplinary Master-Insert ‘Shaping Responsible Futures’. Each quarter of this academic year offers a course that will give you the tools and skills to work on real-life challenges in a transdisciplinary way. Over the years, the Master-Insert has been quite the success. From teaching dozens of people to work on global challenges in a new way, to winning education awards, it's safe to say that this Maser-Insert is worth your time. 

During this Tosti Talk XXL, Mats and Klaasjan will dive into whay they do during the TDMI, why they do it, and introduce you to the 3 courses:

  • Creative Intelligence (Q2): learn to create tools and materials to support a creative group activity (for example, a workshop), involving people (stakeholders, experts, participants) from a diversity of disciplinary backgrounds.
  • Responsible Futuring (Q3): learn to work in a transdisciplinary manner, connect global challenges with local actions, histories with futures, academic with societal perspectives, action with reflection, and critical modes with creative modes of thinking and design.
  • Leading Systemic Change (Q4): learn to holistically assess complex system behaviors by examining their various complexities, including technical, human, political, resource, and environmental processes.

During this Master-Insert, you get the opportunity to define, pursue, and achieve your personal goals. To read more, click here.

There’s so much more that you’ll learn, but you’ll hear all about that during the Tosti Talk XXL!

When: Tuesday, 24 September 12:45

Where: LEARN-X DesignLab University of Twente