UTDSIDSIEventsCANCELLED | DSI Meet Up: AI Act and the implications for the UT

CANCELLED | DSI Meet Up: AI Act and the implications for the UT second July edition


This DSI Meet Up will be about the AI Act and how this will impact our UT research

With the AI Act having been implemented (please for more UT-tailormade information, see the DSI-video on this webpage - dated February 2024 when the AI Act was still to come but the given information and caveats are still very valid) it is time to think about how to go to the next level. Will our daily professional life be affected by this act? Or not? Who should be aware of the guidelines and when to check them? Most probably our research won't be impacted too much, but as soon as our results leave the campus - which we hope they will - it starts to be different... And who is liable then?  

There are many questions thus far and much to discuss. Though, perhaps not yet many defined answers to share... This is partially a process of learning by doing. Therefore, our invitation is: will you join us at this informal but informative gathering? And if so, could you share a case study with us? A research project which you fear might be subject to the AI Act, but you do not know to what extent? We would love to hear of some real-life cases beforehand which we could then study with a few of the support-group members (LISA, SBD and DSI) and reflect on those during the MeetUp. So, please, contact s.j.hessing@utwente.nl if you could share your AI-Act related question with us, preferably before 1 July.