AI Experts | University of Twente

AI Experts | University of Twente

At the University Twente we have AI specialists in a number of topics and domains. Find an AI expert on a specific topic by using the filters or using the search bar. Explore the visual below to see how things are connected. Each dot in the visual below represents an AI specialist. Hover and click in the visual to learn more about this expert, the papers published by these scientists and more in-depth keywords.

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AI Experts

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Applying AI (137)

  • Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • A. Chiumento (Alex) A. Chiumento (Alex)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Deep Learning
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M. van Keulen (Maurice) M. van Keulen (Maurice)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • W. d'Hollosy (Wendy) W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M.R.K. Mes (Martijn) M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)

    Full Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    Lecturer | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    Guest PhD Candidate

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CSTM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    Associate Professor Strategic Entrepreneurship | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)

    dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard) B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)

    Full Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)

    prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-MIA
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • R.A. de By (Rolf)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)

    dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)

    Assistant Professor in Environmental Law and Governance

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
    • Safe and Security

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.C. Nex (Francesco) F.C. Nex (Francesco)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)

    dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)

    B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)

    PhD Candidate | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    Researcher | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.H. Bemthuis (Rob) R.H. Bemthuis (Rob)

    Researcher | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    PhD Candidate | TNW-AOT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    Associate Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)

    prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)

    Emeritus Hoogleraar | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)

    dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)

    dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)

    Associate Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs) T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)

    dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • M. Vlutters (Mark) M. Vlutters (Mark)

    Assistant Professor | ET-BRT
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • AI 4 Hardware
    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Computer Vision
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)

    prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)

    Full Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)

    dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)

    dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)

    Lecturer/Program Director BIT | EEMCS-BFD, EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Managing Director (BFD)
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
  • N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos) N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CAES
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Hardware 4 AI
  • prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)

    prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • A. Dahal MSc (Ashok)

    A. Dahal MSc (Ashok)

    PhD Candidate | ITC-AES
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Applied Earth Sciences (AES)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Deep Learning
  • dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)

    dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)

    dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • M.B. Franke (Meik) M.B. Franke (Meik)

    Full Professor | TNW-SPT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • S. Girgin MSc (Serkan) S. Girgin MSc (Serkan)

    Associate Professor, Head of CRIB | ITC-GIP, ITC-CRIB
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)

    dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Hardware 4 AI
  • dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)

    dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)

    Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Cardiac Surgery Innovations Lab | ET-EOST
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Engineering Organ Support Technologies (EOST)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)

    M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)

    dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. M. Poel (Mannes)

    dr. M. Poel (Mannes)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    PhD Candidate | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    Assistant Professor | ET-HCD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Human Centered Design (HCD)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • V. Zaytsev (Vadim) V. Zaytsev (Vadim)

    Programme Director / Associate Professor | EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • A.H. Abu Hashim PhD (Anis Hasliza)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • P.W.M. Augustijn (Ellen-Wien) P.W.M. Augustijn (Ellen-Wien)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being
  • A. Banerjee (Aayan) A. Banerjee (Aayan)

    Assistant Professor | TNW-CPM
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Catalytic Processes and Materials (CPM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • A. Braaksma (Aleida) A. Braaksma (Aleida)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)

    P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)

    Guest PhD Candidate

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)

    dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)

    Associate Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)

    ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)

    PhD Candidate | ET-TEM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • B. Gerrits (Berry) B. Gerrits (Berry)


    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    Researcher | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Communication Science (CS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • E.A. Lalla (Eduardo) E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne) A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • K. Niu (Kenan) K. Niu (Kenan)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-RAM
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)

    J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)

    Assistant Professor | ET-MD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Market Dynamics (MD)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. C.G.M. Oudshoorn (Karin)

    Associate Professor | BMS-HTSR
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • C. Persello (Claudio) C. Persello (Claudio)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M. Schmettow (Martin)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk) L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)

    prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran) M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran)

    Assistant Professor | ET-TP
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Planning (TP)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel) M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)

    Full Professor | TNW-CNPH
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)

    Director BMS LAB | BMS-BFD, BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Managing Director (BFD)
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond) R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond)

    Guest Researcher | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • M.G. Vosselman (George) M.G. Vosselman (George)

    Full Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
  • dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)

    dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MIA
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • A.B. Zander (Anne) A.B. Zander (Anne)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. R.M. Aguilar Bolivar (Rosa)

    dr. R.M. Aguilar Bolivar (Rosa)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being
  • M. Boon (Mieke) M. Boon (Mieke)

    Full Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)

    N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)

    dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)

    Assistant Professor | ET-SMM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Soil MicroMechanics (SMM)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. W. Corbo Ugulino (Wallace)

    dr. W. Corbo Ugulino (Wallace)

    "Business and IT" Programme Director | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • I.J. Da Silva Oliveira LLD (Ítalo)

    I.J. Da Silva Oliveira LLD (Ítalo)

    PhD Candidate | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • D.P. Davison PhD (Daniel)

    Supporting Staff | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • dr. R. Effing (Robin)

    dr. R. Effing (Robin)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • G.A. Folkertsma (Geert) G.A. Folkertsma (Geert)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-RAM
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • Y. Huang (Yanqiu) Y. Huang (Yanqiu)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • dr. M.N. Koeva (Mila)

    dr. M.N. Koeva (Mila)

    Associate Professor | ITC-PGM
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • R. Loendersloot (Richard) R. Loendersloot (Richard)

    Associate Professor | ET-AMDA
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Applied Mechanics & Data Analysis (AMDA)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • Abolfazl Maleki

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
  • prof. A.D. Nelson (Andy)

    prof. A.D. Nelson (Andy)

    Full Professor | ITC-NRS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Natural Resources (NRS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences
  • B. Rosic (Bojana) B. Rosic (Bojana)

    Full Professor | ET-AMDA
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Applied Mechanics & Data Analysis (AMDA)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • dr. D.K. Sarmah MSc (Dipti)

    dr. D.K. Sarmah MSc (Dipti)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Safe and Security
  • M. Sartori (Massimo) M. Sartori (Massimo)

    Full Professor and Chair of Neuromuscular Robotics | ET-NE
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Neuromechanical Engineering (NE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)

    prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)

    Full Professor | BMS-ELAN
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.M.J. Schutten (Marco)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)

    dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)

    Researcher and Scientific Software Engineer

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
  • dr. J. Steinrücke (Johannes)

    dr. J. Steinrücke (Johannes)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
  • A. van den Berg (Albert) A. van den Berg (Albert)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-BIOS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Biomedical and Environmental Sensorsystems (BIOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
  • A.H. van den Boogaard (Ton) A.H. van den Boogaard (Ton)

    Vice-dean Research, Faculty Engineering Technology; Professor Nonlinear Solid Mechanics | ET-NSM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (NSM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Smart and Service Industry
  • H. van der Kooij (Herman)

    Full Professor Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology | Chairman department Biomechanical Engineering | ET-BRT
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • AI 4 Hardware
  • M.R. van Steen (Maarten) M.R. van Steen (Maarten)

    Scientific Director Digital Society Institute | EEMCS-DSI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Digital Society Institute (DSI)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)

    prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)

    Full Professor Physical and Medical Acoustics Physics of Fluids Group | TNW-POF
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Physics of Fluids (POF)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • prof.dr. M. Vlasiou (Maria)

    prof.dr. M. Vlasiou (Maria)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
  • ir. M. Bui (Michael)

    ir. M. Bui (Michael)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-HTSR
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • A. Continella (Andrea) A. Continella (Andrea)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security
  • O.A.L. Eikenbroek (Oskar) O.A.L. Eikenbroek (Oskar)

    Assistant Professor | ET-TEM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
  • dr. M. Farrokhnia (Mohammadreza)

    dr. M. Farrokhnia (Mohammadreza)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IST
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Instructional Technology (IST)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
  • A.K. Gavai MSc (Anand) A.K. Gavai MSc (Anand)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • M.E.T. Gerards (Marco) M.E.T. Gerards (Marco)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CAES
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
  • dr. A.B. Grigolon (Anna)

    dr. A.B. Grigolon (Anna)

    Assistant Professor | ET-TP
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Planning (TP)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
  • F.W. Hahn (Florian) F.W. Hahn (Florian)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security
  • dr. H.G.E. Meijer (Hil)

    dr. H.G.E. Meijer (Hil)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-MIA
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • prof.dr. D. Meuwly (Didier)

    prof.dr. D. Meuwly (Didier)

    Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security
  • K. Nizamis (Kostas) K. Nizamis (Kostas)

    Assistant Professor in Multidisciplinary Design | ET-SEMD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Systems Engineering & Multidisciplinary Design (SEMD)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • dr. N. Schwarz (Nina)

    dr. N. Schwarz (Nina)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-PGM
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
  • Q. Shen (Qinshuo)

    Q. Shen (Qinshuo)

    PhD Candidate
  • M. Tabak (Monique) M. Tabak (Monique)

    Full Professor & Chair of department BSS | EEMCS-BSS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • A. Tirachini PhD (Alejandro)

    A. Tirachini PhD (Alejandro)

    Associate Professor | ET-TP
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Planning (TP)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
  • E.C. van Berkum (Eric) E.C. van Berkum (Eric)

    Full Professor | ET-TEM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
  • dr. M.J.M. van Geel (Marieke)

    dr. M.J.M. van Geel (Marieke)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-ELAN
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
  • prof.dr. J.E.W.C. van Gemert - Pijnen PhD (Lisette)

    prof.dr. J.E.W.C. van Gemert - Pijnen PhD (Lisette)

    Full Professor Persuasive Health Technology | BMS-PGT
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Psychology, Health & Technology (PGT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • P.H. Veltink (Peter) P.H. Veltink (Peter)

    Full Professor | EEMCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
  • Y. Wang PhD (Ying)

    Y. Wang PhD (Ying)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-BSS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

Developing (for) AI (116)

  • Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • A. Chiumento (Alex) A. Chiumento (Alex)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Deep Learning
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M. van Keulen (Maurice) M. van Keulen (Maurice)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • W. d'Hollosy (Wendy) W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M.R.K. Mes (Martijn) M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)

    Full Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    Lecturer | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    Guest PhD Candidate

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CSTM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    Associate Professor Strategic Entrepreneurship | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)

    dr. M. Farnaghi (Mahdi)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard) B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)

    Full Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)

    prof.dr. C. Brune (Christoph)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-MIA
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • R.A. de By (Rolf)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. K. Karaca (Koray)

    dr. K. Karaca (Koray)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.C. Nex (Francesco) F.C. Nex (Francesco)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)

    dr. J.L. Rebelo Moreira (João)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)

    B.L.U. Udugama Vithanage MSc (Bavantha)

    PhD Candidate | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)

    dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)

    Assistant Professor

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    Researcher | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.H. Bemthuis (Rob) R.H. Bemthuis (Rob)

    Researcher | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    PhD Candidate | TNW-AOT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    Associate Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)

    prof.dr. P.J.F. Lucas MD (Peter)

    Emeritus Hoogleraar | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)

    dr. D.R.J. Prak (Dennis)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)

    dr. S.M. van den Berg (Stéphanie)

    Associate Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs) T.S. van Ede MSc (Thijs)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)

    dr. R. Vargas Maretto (Raian)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • M. Vlutters (Mark) M. Vlutters (Mark)

    Assistant Professor | ET-BRT
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • AI 4 Hardware
    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Computer Vision
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)

    prof.dr. R. Zurita Milla (Raul)

    Full Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)

    dr. A. Abhishta (Abhishta)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)

    dr. F. Ahmed (Faizan)

    Lecturer/Program Director BIT | EEMCS-BFD, EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Managing Director (BFD)
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
  • N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos) N. Alachiotis (Nikolaos)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CAES
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Hardware 4 AI
  • prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)

    prof.dr. R.J. Boucherie (Richard)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • A. Dahal MSc (Ashok)

    A. Dahal MSc (Ashok)

    PhD Candidate | ITC-AES
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Applied Earth Sciences (AES)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Deep Learning
  • dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)

    dr. D. Demirtas (Derya)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)

    dr. L. Ferreira Pires (Luis)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • M.B. Franke (Meik) M.B. Franke (Meik)

    Full Professor | TNW-SPT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • S. Girgin MSc (Serkan) S. Girgin MSc (Serkan)

    Associate Professor, Head of CRIB | ITC-GIP, ITC-CRIB
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)

    dr. V. Groenhuis (Vincent)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Hardware 4 AI
  • dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)

    dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)

    Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Cardiac Surgery Innovations Lab | ET-EOST
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Engineering Organ Support Technologies (EOST)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)

    M. Khodadadzadeh (Mahdi)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)

    dr. M.R. Machado (Marcos)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. M. Poel (Mannes)

    dr. M. Poel (Mannes)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    PhD Candidate | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • A. Yousefzadeh PhD (Amirreza)

    A. Yousefzadeh PhD (Amirreza)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CAES
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • AI 4 Hardware
    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors
    • Hardware 4 AI
  • C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    Assistant Professor | ET-HCD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Human Centered Design (HCD)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • V. Zaytsev (Vadim) V. Zaytsev (Vadim)

    Programme Director / Associate Professor | EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • A.H. Abu Hashim PhD (Anis Hasliza)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • A. Braaksma (Aleida) A. Braaksma (Aleida)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)

    P.S.U. Eneche (Patrick Samson Udama)

    Guest PhD Candidate

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)

    ir. Z.H. Farahmand (Zakir)

    PhD Candidate | ET-TEM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • B. Gerrits (Berry) B. Gerrits (Berry)


    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    Researcher | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Communication Science (CS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • E.A. Lalla (Eduardo) E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne) A.G. Leeftink (Gréanne)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • J. M. Meylahn PhD (Janusz)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
  • K. Niu (Kenan) K. Niu (Kenan)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-RAM
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)

    J.M. Oliveira dos Santos PhD (Joao)

    Assistant Professor | ET-MD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Market Dynamics (MD)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Reinforcement Learning
  • dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. C.G.M. Oudshoorn (Karin)

    Associate Professor | BMS-HTSR
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • C. Persello (Claudio) C. Persello (Claudio)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M. Schmettow (Martin)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk) L.J. Spreeuwers (Luuk)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)

    prof.dr. M.I.A. Stoelinga (Mariëlle)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-FMT
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Formal Methods and Tools (FMT)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • dr. N. Strisciuglio (Nicola)

    dr. N. Strisciuglio (Nicola)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran) M.B. Ulak PhD (Baran)

    Assistant Professor | ET-TP
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Transport Planning (TP)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Traditional Machine Learning
  • dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)

    dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Communication Science (CS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel) M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)

    Full Professor | TNW-CNPH
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)

    Director BMS LAB | BMS-BFD, BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Managing Director (BFD)
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond) R.N.J. Veldhuis (Raymond)

    Guest Researcher | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • M.G. Vosselman (George) M.G. Vosselman (George)

    Full Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
  • dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)

    dr. J.M. Wolterink (Jelmer)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MIA
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Imaging & AI (MIA)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • Ying Yang

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • A.B. Zander (Anne) A.B. Zander (Anne)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
  • N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)

    N. Bouali MSc (Nacir)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)

    dr. H. Cheng (Hongyang)

    Assistant Professor | ET-SMM
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Soil MicroMechanics (SMM)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • I.J. Da Silva Oliveira LLD (Ítalo)

    I.J. Da Silva Oliveira LLD (Ítalo)

    PhD Candidate | EEMCS-SCS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • D.P. Davison PhD (Daniel)

    Supporting Staff | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
  • G.A. Folkertsma (Geert) G.A. Folkertsma (Geert)

    Lecturer | EEMCS-RAM
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Robotics and Mechatronics (RAM)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • J. Goseling (Jasper) J. Goseling (Jasper)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • Y. Huang (Yanqiu) Y. Huang (Yanqiu)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-PS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Pervasive Systems (PS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)

    J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)

    Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Finance | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • M. Sartori (Massimo) M. Sartori (Massimo)

    Full Professor and Chair of Neuromuscular Robotics | ET-NE
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Neuromechanical Engineering (NE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
  • dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)

    dr. R.L. Shinde (Ravindra)

    Researcher and Scientific Software Engineer

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
  • dr. M. Theune (Mariet)

    dr. M. Theune (Mariet)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Natural Language Processing
  • H. van der Kooij (Herman)

    Full Professor Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology | Chairman department Biomechanical Engineering | ET-BRT
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Biomechatronics and Rehabilitation Technology (BRT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • AI 4 Hardware
  • M.R. van Steen (Maarten) M.R. van Steen (Maarten)

    Scientific Director Digital Society Institute | EEMCS-DSI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Digital Society Institute (DSI)

    Applying AI:

    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)

    prof.dr. M. Versluis (Michel)

    Full Professor Physical and Medical Acoustics Physics of Fluids Group | TNW-POF
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Physics of Fluids (POF)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. S. Wang (Shenghui)

    dr. S. Wang (Shenghui)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing
  • dr. A. Weber (Andreas)

    dr. A. Weber (Andreas)

    Associate Professor of Long-Term Development of Science and Technology | BMS-KITES
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Knowledge, Innovation and Transformation of Education and Society (KITES)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • S.H. Gerez (Sabih) S.H. Gerez (Sabih)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-CAES
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Computer Architecture Design and Test for Embedded Systems (CAES)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Hardware 4 AI
  • dr. V.V. Lehtola (Ville)

    dr. V.V. Lehtola (Ville)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors
  • M.S. Oude Alink (Mark) M.S. Oude Alink (Mark)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-ICD
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Integrated Circuit Design (ICD)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Hardware 4 AI
  • dr. M. Schlottbom (Matthias)

    dr. M. Schlottbom (Matthias)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-MACS
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Computational Science (MACS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • dr. C. Stegehuis (Clara)

    dr. C. Stegehuis (Clara)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
  • A. Stein (Alfred) A. Stein (Alfred)

    Full Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
  • dr. P.M. ten Klooster (Peter)

    dr. P.M. ten Klooster (Peter)

    Associate Professor | BMS-PGT
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Psychology, Health & Technology (PGT)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Traditional Machine Learning

Researching AI (63)

  • Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Dr. rer. nat. D. Braun (Daniel)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    F.R. Akkerman (Fabian)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • M. van Keulen (Maurice) M. van Keulen (Maurice)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Deep Learning
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    dr. A. Asadi (Amin)

    Assistant Professor in Data Science, AI, OR, and Logistics

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • W. d'Hollosy (Wendy) W. d'Hollosy (Wendy)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M.R.K. Mes (Martijn) M.R.K. Mes (Martijn)

    Full Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    J.P.S. Piest (Sebastian)

    Lecturer | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    R.M. van Steenbergen MSc (Robert)

    Guest PhD Candidate

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    dr. A. Votsis (Athanasios)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CSTM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    dr. M.L. Ehrenhard (Michel)

    Associate Professor Strategic Entrepreneurship | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    dr. V.C. Göttel (Vincent)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    prof.dr. D.K.J. Heylen (Dirk)

    Full Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    dr. A. Leszkiewicz (Agata)

    Assistant Professor Marketing Analytics | BMS-ETM
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Entrepreneurship, Technology, Management (ETM)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard) B.P. Veldkamp (Bernard)

    Full Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • R.A. de By (Rolf)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    X. Hu MSc (Xinyu)

    PhD Candidate | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Deep Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)

    dr. I. Ibrahim (Imad)

    Assistant Professor in Environmental Law and Governance

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making
    • Safe and Security

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. K. Karaca (Koray)

    dr. K. Karaca (Koray)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • F.C. Nex (Francesco) F.C. Nex (Francesco)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport
    • Safe and Security
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    dr. A. Trivella (Alessio)

    Assistant Professor of Operations Research | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    dr. M.B. van Riemsdijk (Birna)

    Associate Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    dr. A.B.J.M. Wijnhoven (Fons)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Dependencies, Quality and Enrichment
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    dr. F. Yildirim (Funda)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Health and Well-being
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)

    dr. D. Babushkina PhD (Dina)

    Assistant Professor

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    T.C. Beinema PhD (Tessa)

    Researcher | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction
    • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    dr. S. Borsci (Simone)

    Associate Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics | BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    J.P. De Sousa Meneses (João)

    PhD Candidate | TNW-AOT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics (AOT)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Deep Learning
    • Traditional Machine Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    dr. C.M. Gevaert (Caroline)

    Associate Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    dr. J.A. Hüllmann MSc (Joschka)

    Assistant Professor

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Smart and Service Industry

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search
    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    S. Schneider (Sebastian)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Computer Vision
    • Human AI Interaction
    • Natural Language Processing

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    dr. F.A. Bukhsh (Faiza)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being
    • Safe and Security

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • M.B. Franke (Meik) M.B. Franke (Meik)

    Full Professor | TNW-SPT
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Sustainable Process Technology (SPT)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    dr. M. Renkema (Maarten)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    dr. A. Skopalik (Alexander)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity
    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Autonomous Agent Systems

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    S. Srivastava (Sumit)

    PhD Candidate | EEMCS-HMI
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction (HMI)

    Applying AI:

    • Education
    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    C. Zaga PhD (Cristina)

    Assistant Professor | ET-HCD
    Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), Human Centered Design (HCD)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    dr. D. Bucur (Doina)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-DMB
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Datamanagement & Biometrics (DMB)

    Applying AI:

    • Energy, Sustainability, Environment and Circularity

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)

    dr. Y.J. Erden (Yj)

    Associate Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    ir. R.L.A. Harmelink (Rogier)

    Researcher | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    dr. S. Janssen (Suzanne)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Communication Science (CS)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • F. Koefer MSc (Franziska)

    F. Koefer MSc (Franziska)

    PhD Candidate

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • E.A. Lalla (Eduardo) E.A. Lalla (Eduardo)

    Associate Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Mobility and Transport

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Data Mining, Process Mining and Search

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • J. M. Meylahn PhD (Janusz)

    Assistant Professor | EEMCS-MOR
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Reinforcement Learning

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Legal Requirements for AI
  • dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    dr. F.O. Ostermann (Frank)

    Associate Professor | ITC-GIP
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Edge AI and Sensors

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • C. Persello (Claudio) C. Persello (Claudio)

    Adjunct Professor | ITC-EOS
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Observation Science (EOS)

    Applying AI:

    • Geo Sciences

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A.S. Puzio (Anna)

    dr. A.S. Puzio (Anna)


    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    dr. P.B. Rogetzer (Patricia)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)

    dr. A.A.C.G. van der Graaf (Shenja)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-CS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Communication Science (CS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel) M.J.A.M. van Putten (Michel)

    Full Professor | TNW-CNPH
    Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), Clinical Neurophysiology (CNPH)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • J.W.J.R. van t Klooster (Jan-Willem)

    Director BMS LAB | BMS-BFD, BMS-CODE
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Managing Director (BFD)
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Cognition, Data and Education (CODE)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • M. Boon (Mieke) M. Boon (Mieke)

    Full Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Applying AI:

    • Health and Well-being

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • U. Boro MSc BA (Udipta)

    U. Boro MSc BA (Udipta)

    PhD Candidate

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. R. Effing (Robin)

    dr. R. Effing (Robin)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Applying AI:

    • Media, Democracy and Legal Decision Making

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • H. Koffijberg (Erik) H. Koffijberg (Erik)

    Full Professor | BMS-HTSR
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR)

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. C.R. Lynch (Casey)

    dr. C.R. Lynch (Casey)

    Assistant Professor | BMS-KITES
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Knowledge, Innovation and Transformation of Education and Society (KITES)

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. F.V.M. Meissner (Fran)

    dr. F.V.M. Meissner (Fran)

    Assistant Professor | ITC-PGM
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)

    J.R.O. Osterrieder (Jörg)

    Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Finance | BMS-IEBIS
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems (IEBIS)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Machine Learning: from Traditional Methods to Deep Neural Networks

    Researching AI:

    • Economical / Environmental Impact of AI
  • prof.dr. K. Pfeffer (Karin)

    prof.dr. K. Pfeffer (Karin)

    Full Professor | ITC-PGM
    Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
    • Societal Context of AI
  • prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)

    prof.dr. K. Schildkamp (Kim)

    Full Professor | BMS-ELAN
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), ELAN Teacher Development (ELAN)

    Applying AI:

    • Education

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. A. Weber (Andreas)

    dr. A. Weber (Andreas)

    Associate Professor of Long-Term Development of Science and Technology | BMS-KITES
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Knowledge, Innovation and Transformation of Education and Society (KITES)

    Developing (for) AI:

    • Human AI Interaction

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • N. Gertz (Nolen)

    N. Gertz (Nolen)

    Associate Professor | BMS-WIJSB
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Philosophy (WIJSB)

    Researching AI:

    • Ethical Dimensions of AI
  • dr. M.R.R. Ossewaarde (Ringo)

    dr. M.R.R. Ossewaarde (Ringo)

    Associate Professor in Governance, Society & Technology | BMS-PA
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Public Administration (PA)

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI
  • dr. P. Stegmaier (Peter)

    dr. P. Stegmaier (Peter)

    Assistant Professor of Knowledge, Governance and Transformation | BMS-KITES
    Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), Knowledge, Innovation and Transformation of Education and Society (KITES)

    Researching AI:

    • Societal Context of AI