AI Hackathon brings innovation in education

On June 12, 13, and 14, the University of Twente, in collaboration with the Education working group of the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), organised a special hackathon focused on AI in education for the third time. The event took place during the Week of Education and brought together a diverse group of teachers, school leaders, managers, students, pupils, and information specialists. The hackathon's goal was to demonstrate how AI can be used to improve education.

Over three days, eight teams worked on innovative solutions for educational challenges using AI technologies. This event, a hotbed of creativity and innovation, enabled participants to use their expertise to shape future education. The hackathon boosted the implementation of smart technologies at various educational levels, from primary to higher education.

Hackaton winner: Koninklijke Auris Groep

After thorough deliberation, the jury declared the Koninklijke Auris Groep the winning team of the hackathon. Their project, the tool FABULA, impressed the jury with its user-friendliness and effectiveness. FABULA enables the generation of rich text based on a few target words, theme, reading level, length, and form, complete with a talking picture and separate images of the target words. This makes it a valuable tool for primary school students with language learning problems who can benefit from stories and visualisations. The multidisciplinary team from Auris Groep used their expertise and knowledge to develop a proof of concept that directly meets the needs of teachers.

The winners: Koninklijke Auris Groep

More information

This hackathon was organised by the University of Twente and the Education working group of the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), on the occasion of the month of AI in education. The month of AI in education is made possible by NL AIC - Education working group, SURF, National Education Lab AI (NOLAI), Npuls, and Kennisnet. Various events are organised during this month to explore and demonstrate the possibilities of AI in education. The hackathon not only produced innovative solutions but also strengthened the collaboration between different stakeholders in the education field. The results of this hackathon promise much for the future of AI in education and the ongoing improvement of educational quality through smart technologies!

AI Hackathon 2024

Get to know more about the AI Hackathon on the Pro-U website.