For students

ECIU University offers different learning options for students. Challenges are courses that engage diverse teams to solve real-life problems using a novel and practical method of challenge-based learning (CBL). Micro-modules support learners and help them fill the knowledge gaps, for example, widen their knowledge on strategic planning or sustainable development. Summerschools and events. The participating universities also offer 'individual' events and various summer courses and schools in which everyone can take part. Click below for more information about the different learning experiences or stay tuned by subsribing to our newsletter.

  • Challenge-based learning

    Fourtheen universities from all over European are putting you up to the challenge. Which challenge will you tackle at ECIU University? This European network of universities offers countless combinations of education and research - and you can join in! Check the challenges here.


    1. Meet likeminded people and get to know interesting things you probably never heard of
    2. Study on- and offline across campuses in multiple European cities 
    3. Learn by working on local, national or European solutions to global challenges 
    4. Team up with students, professionals, researchers, innovators, policymakers, citizens and make new friends
    5. Work across cultures, disciplines and roles
    6. Follow your own, flexible learning path based on your personal preferences, skills and abilities  
    7. Improve your skills. This will be different to anyone, think about: teamwork, leadership, self-confidence, English etc.
    8. Shape your own learning path in challenge-based programmes 
    9. Obtain a valuable competency summary. A big plus on your resume when applying for a job. Doing extra things in addition to your daily school work is becoming more important for organizations.
    10. And last, but definitely not least: It’s fun
  • Micro-credentials

    Micro-modules are short learning experience that supports you to fill knowledge gaps and boost your capabilities to successfully engage in ECIU University challenges. While working on the challenge, you may find out that you lack certain knowledge or skills to solve the challenge. You will have the opportunity to participate in micro-modules related to the challenge you are working on. ECIU Univbersity offers different types of micro-modules. 

    • Micro-modules that widen the knowledge related to a specific field, for example, Communication and transport systems, Energy and sustainability, Circular economy.
    • Micro-modules that help to develop transversal skills, for example, intercultural communication or project management.
    • Foreign language micro-module

    Check the website to be inspired and explore our wide range of education.

  • Summerschools and events

    Are you looking for an inspiring way to spend your summer? The ECIU Summer Schools offer you several high-quality courses to choose from, all of which will allow you to gain cultural insights together with other international students from all over the world. Go abroad, celebrate the summer and discover Finland, Spain, Italy….! Take a look at this website for current summer schools and contact your International Office about free tickets and discounts for ECIU students. 


  • Spring Semester open for application

    Are you looking to spice up your university experience? In a cool, exciting and educational manner? And in which you also earn some credits? Then sign up for an ECIU University learning experience.

    This collaboration of fourteen European universities joins forces and offers you the best of the best. An international (collaborative) work experience, online or blended, with site visits.

    You will work on today's challenges and immerse yourself in topics such as a climate neutral campus,  energy storage and student housing. There are also plenty of short micro-modules to take. Think of language courses or various classes on technology accessibility.

    Be inspired by other cultural and study backgrounds and take home new knowledge plus a rich network.

    Register now

    For faster decision-makers, register until the end of January.

    Check if your university has a mobility fund available.

  • Closed for application: ECIU Strategic Challenge

    Join the ECIU strategic challenge and spice up you Master's thesis

    The ECIU Strategic Challenge is a unique combination of working on your individual Master’s thesis project while simultaneously working in an international interdisciplinary team on a self-chosen challenge – a real societal problem that you as a team will investigate, and find and implement a solution. You will do this according to challenge-based learning, a learning philosophy that gives you lots of freedom to make your own choices. As the challenge and your topic of the Master’s thesis are related, working on these two topics simultaneously will enhance the quality of both assignments and will deepen your learning. 

    Sounds nice, what is the challenge about?The general topic of the challenge is ‘climate neutral campus in Europe’. As a team of students, you will ask questions to find out what this challenge is all about, and define as a group what aspect you will investigate further. As you will also implement your solution in one or more universities of your team mates, you can actually see the impact of your efforts and have a positive effect on your fellow students.

    International team, what does that mean?The Strategic Challenge is open to all Master students from all ECIU-partners, a consortium of 13 European universities. Your team of 4 – 5 students will consist of students from these different universities. We aim for several multidisciplinary teams that will work on this challenge. As such, you will increase your skills in international cooperation and learn from different international and multidisciplinary perspectives.Most meetings and cooperation will be online, with your team and with all teams, but at least one session will be face-to-face on one of the participating universities. So, you will travel abroad and meet your teammates and the other students in person.

    Sounds great, I want to apply. What should I do?Go to the website and apply (from 1 November onwards). Furthermore, you should look for an academic advisor in your own institute who will supervise you during your Master’s thesis project. As the Strategic Challenge is about the combination of a Master’s thesis and a group challenge, we can only admit students who have a local supervisor.

    When does this take place?The ECIU Strategic Challenge starts in February 2024 and runs until the end of June 2024. The idea is that your Master’s thesis has a similar time frame, although a slightly earlier or later start or finish is okay too.

    I want more information, where can I find it?You can have a look at  for a description of the Strategic Challenge framework and at for some experiences of students in an earlier Strategic Challenge. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact one of the coordinators Nadine Stahlberg of Hamburg University of Technology (nadine.stahlberg@tuhh) or Frank van den Berg of the University of Twente (

Read the experiences of other students below:

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