A student's experience

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‘I am Alyssa and I am studying Chemical Engineering. I am now in the third year of my Bachelor's degree and I have chosen to extend my studies a year and become a member of the Green Team Twente.

Alyssa, student of Chemical Science and Engineering

Last year we bought a new fuel cell. First we compared different fuel cells to see which one was best suited for our purposes. We studied which fuel cell was chemically most efficient for our uses. I actively participated in the discussions until we decided as a team – together with the electrical engineers – which fuel cell would work best for our car.

Now it’s up to the electrical engineers to build a control system around it that is as efficient as possible. My focus within the Green Team is on other tasks, such as public relations and raising sponsors by calling companies. That way I get to work in my own field, while also learning a lot of new things that I would otherwise never have come across during my studies.’

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