Sign up for Creative Technology

Are you ready to sign up?

You are about to sign up for the Bachelor's Creative Technology. Here's what you need to know!

The University of Twente works with different enrolment deadlines, according to the programme, your nationality and your previous education diploma. You can register from October if you want to start the course the following year in September.

Sign up and required documents

First, you need to sign up for Creative Technology via Studielink and provide all the required documents. After you have signed up you will receive information from the admission office about the requirements for starting the study.

Arrange your application via Studielink
Apply now!
You can sign up from October onwards.

For Creative Technology it is mandatory to participate in a matching event. You can attend this event after you submitted all the required documents. Once all the required documents have been submitted, you have taken part in a matching event, and you have met other (including financial) obligations, you will be informed of the decision regarding your admission to the programme. If you are admitted, you can proceed to enrol in the programme of Creative Technology at the University of Twente (also if you choose location VU Amsterdam). 


To make sure you choose the right study, the programme organises a matching procedure. This enables you to see if the programme is suitable for you. For the programme in Creative Technology, participation in the matching procedure is compulsory. Without participating in the matching procedure, it is not possible to enrol in the educational programme. After the matching activity, the final part of the mandatory matching procedure is the completion and submission of your own reflection regarding your choice of study for Creative Technology. The matching is not binding and is not your proof of access to the university. The Admission Office will inform you whether or not you are admissible. 

For Creative Technology at the University of Twente, the matching dates for the academic year 2024/2025 are:

Date event


Registration deadline

27 February 2024


14 February 2024 23:59 CET

30 April 2024

Campus University of Twente

22 April 2024 23:59 CET

13 June 2024


5 June 2024 23:59 CET

9 July 2024

Campus University of Twente

1 July 2024 23:59 CET

*The online matching events are only for international students.

For Creative Technology at VU Amsterdam you can find the dates and form here.

If you have any questions about matching? Please contact us via

ADDITIONAL Information about Matching

The matching procedure of Creative Technology consists of the following aspects:

  • CV

    Your CV can be a simple one. Restrict yourself to at most a single A4 sheet (or only half a sheet). Please include:

    • Basic personal information (given name and surname, gender, date of birth, nationality);
    • Some details about your secondary school (type of school, subjects you chose, the year you started and your graduation year);
    • Your activities between leaving secondary school and applying at the University of Twente (if applicable)
    • A list of your activities and hobbies over the last few years.
  • Motivation letter

    Explain to us why you want to study Creative Technology. Be concise and make it personal. The intake committee already knows that Creative Technology is a very interesting programme, so you don’t have to explain that. Please tell us what makes this the best programme for you. What is your motivation for studying Creative Technology?

  • Portfolio

    Also, we request you to submit a portfolio as in images, movies, soundtracks with explanations. This portfolio will be used as a basis for assessing the match between you and the programme, though the portfolio itself is not an assessment criterion. Please submit a portfolio consisting of two sections:

    • Firstly, we are looking for things you have made or done yourself as a creative person. Technological achievements are welcome, and they may be low-tech (woodwork, LEGO) as well as high-tech (software, electronics). But non-technical achievements in, for example, music, film-making, stage play, writing, gaming etc. are important as well.
    • Secondly, we are looking for things you have encountered which are, in your view, typically Creative Technology. Have you seen a product, a website, a movie or something else which intrigued you as being an original, beautiful, useful, or promising application of technology? Then please incorporate a link, a picture or a description in your portfolio.

    The format of the portfolio is up to you, but please use a standard that both Apple and Windows can handle. Try to restrict the size to 5MB.

    You will find examples of a number of matching portfolios of current students here.

  • Reflection form

    After the matching event you’ll receive a reflection form regarding your choice of study for Creative Technology. You need to submit this form within a week. Without this reflection, you will not be admitted.

The recommendation regarding your suitability for Creative Technology will be based on an assessment of the following five criteria:


The Study Check is a recommendation, not a selection process. The result is neither binding nor can it be used as proof of admission.


Once all the required documents have been submitted (including a copy of the diploma that enables you to be admitted to the programme), you have taken part in the matching procedure and you have met other (including financial) obligations, you will be informed of the decision regarding your admission to the Creative Technology programme at the University of Twente. More information 

Please note: For international students, slightly different arrangements may apply and the documents required and deadlines may also differ. The information will be sent by email from the Admission Office and the International Office.

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