Further studies and job market

Are you ready to sign up?

With your Bachelor’s diploma in Electrical Engineering, you can directly enter the job market, start your own business, or specialise with a master’s at the University of Twente. Most graduates choose this last option.

Further studies with a Master’s 

Most Electrical Engineering alumni decide to enter the University of Twente’s two-year, English-taught Master's Electrical Engineering. With your Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering you have direct access to this master’s, which teaches you how modern technology can be applied to make electronic systems better, faster or smaller. With the skills and expertise you gain in this master’s, you can tackle almost all aspects of technology. You will be challenged to improve high-tech systems, with an emphasis on themes such as sustainability, health and safety. Here are some of the specialisations you can choose from:

Other Master’s degrees

The University of Twente also offers other master’s that are a good fit with this bachelor’s. With a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering you are directly admissible to most engineering and technology master’s. This also applies to master’s at other (inter)national universities. In some cases, taking a pre-master’s may be necessary.

Master’s that complement the Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering include:

  • Biomedical Engineering

    Contribute to better healthcare by designing and developing medical innovations for improved diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention and a better quality of life.
    5 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Bioengineering Technologies

    In this specialisation, you will focus on the use of living tissues and cells in the development of technologies that can mimic or restore the function of diseased organs or damaged tissues.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time


    Robotics play an increasingly important role within healthcare. This specialisation helps you to develop, enhance and control robots and other mechatronic systems that support patients or clinicians.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Imaging & In Vitro Diagnostics

    In this specialisation, you will focus on the visualisation and interpretation of the processes in human cells and bodies in order to detect diseases and monitor health.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Medical Device Design

    What does it take to design a medical device, like an implant or medical robot? This track focuses on the design process of various types of medical devices, from ideation, fabrication to testing.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Physiological Signals & Systems

    What is the impact of disease or trauma on physiological systems in the human body? This specialisation helps you to develop technologies that measure, monitor and restore (disturbed) body functions.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time
  • Embedded Systems

    This Master’s program equips you with expertise in designing the software and hardware of complex embedded systems in vehicles, pacemakers and chipsets amongst others.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish
  • Interaction Technology

    Delve into the field of human-computer interaction and design and develop interactive technologies that are meaningful to people and society.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish
  • Nanotechnology

    Tackle big, societal issues at the smallest level: become an expert in the upcoming field of nanotechnology and invent, design, and develop innovative solutions on the extremely small nanoscale.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish
  • Robotics

    In this Master’s, you will learn to create robots that fit seamlessly in society, industry, and healthcare, revolutionising quality of life, safety, and efficiency.
    3 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Algorithms and Software AI

    This specialisation focusses on the decision-making processes inside robotic systems, learning to develop its ability to process external signals into autonomous, relevant movements and actions.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Human-Robot Interaction and Social AI

    This specialisation focusses on how robotic systems fit in with people in social settings in terms of communication, movement, acceptance and trust. How do robots and humans interact with each other?
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Mechatronics and Physical AI

    In this specialisation, you learn how to design and develop robotic systems that often physically interact with the environment. This means combining mechanics, electronics, control, and computing
    MSc2 yearsFull-time
  • Sustainable Energy Technology

    Do you feel called upon to make a valuable contribution to the sustainable energy transition? Become an expert in the development, implementation and integration of sustainable energy technologies.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

Finding a job

This bachelor’s will equip you to innovate in at least one of the sub-areas of Electrical Engineering. You will be able to help shape tomorrow’s world. Especially if you add a master’s degree to your bachelor’s, you will find many job opportunities as an Electrical Engineer – for example right here in Twente, a region gaining more and more prominence in the industrial world. Many graduates enter positions in which they get to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.

Get to work

  • In robotics – designing robot arms for ASML, NXP or Philips, for example
  • At a design house – where chips are designed, but not produced
  • In the chip industry – where chips are manufactured
  • At a tech or engineering company, such as DEMCON, Salland Engineering or NEDAP

Start your own business

You can also start your own business with a solution that you have developed. The UT is recognised as ‘the most entrepreneurial university’ in the Netherlands. Applying our expertise by developing solutions that are meaningful to society is one of our strengths. Together with our students, we work closely with the innovation specialists at Novel-T, who like to get involved in to promising innovative business cases.

Within this programme, numerous students have launched successful startups, such as:

Do you want to find out more about studying at the UT? Visit or submit your questions to the Study Information Center.

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