STUDY ABROAD experience

Aline, Scotland

"Glasgow is quite a big city and completely different from the rest of Scotland. You’ll find many opportunities for leisure activities, shopping, cultural sightseeing and clubbing. What I like about the city is that it combines old buildings like the University of Glasgow and modern architecture mostly around the river Clyde.

From the very first day I came to Glasgow, I was surprised by the kindness and openness of all the people. Whether they are cab drivers, supermarket cashiers or mentors at my university- everybody asked about my well-being, wanted to help me out or just wanted to engage me in some small talk. Although I was a bit wary of the Glaswegian accent at first, I began to adapt to it and even learned a few Scots words.

The University of Strathclyde and my campus digs were located just five minutes away from the city centre, so I could walk nearly everywhere. Although Scotland is a popular place with those who enjoy rain and gloom, I have to admit that I enjoyed many sunny and warm days, and I even got to tour the country and other parts of the UK.

I would totally recommend going to Scotland and I will definitely go back again."

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