After the Bachelor's Mechanical Engineering

Are you ready to sign up?

After getting your Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, you can further specialise by completing a Master’s programme. Around 75% of our graduates chose to enter our two-year, English-taught Master’s in Mechanical Engineering. Of the other 25%, many continue on to other Master’s, such as Sustainable Energy Technology or Robotics at the University of Twente, or a master’s in aviation or automotive technology at another university. A few join the job market straight away or start their own business.

Further studies

Most Mechanical Engineering alumni enter the Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Twente. With your Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, you are directly admissible to this Master's. 

Popular master's after this Bachelor's

View all programmes
  • Mechanical Engineering

    Become an expert mechanical engineer that focuses on the futureproof design, analysis and maintenance of machinery, structures, products and production processes.
    7 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish


    The specialisation in Aeronautics will turn you into an expert in the development of new high-tech applications in which aerodynamics interact with acoustics, structures, and propulsion.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Design & Manufacturing

    In this specialisation, you will gain a bigger understanding of design and production processes and manufacturing facilities as a whole, by focusing on their methodological design.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Energy & Flow

    If you want to contribute to the development of sustainable energy systems, processes, and equipment with high performance, and minimal environmental impact, this specialisation is the right choice.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    High-Tech Systems & Materials

    This broad, yet profound specialisation will help you understand the behaviour of materials and systems to ensure optimal interaction and performance within products and manufacturing processes.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Maintenance Engineering & Operations

    This specialisation will help you to come up with innovative solutions to improve the maintenance of machinery, structures and production facilities, to enhance performance of a system and company.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Personalised Health Technology

    If you want to build expertise in the domain of healthcare technology as a mechanical engineer, this specialisation is right for you.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Smart & Sustainable Industry

    This specialisation focuses on the development, analysis, simulation and control of innovative and digitally-driven production systems.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time
  • Robotics

    In this Master’s, you will learn to create robots that fit seamlessly in society, industry, and healthcare, revolutionising quality of life, safety, and efficiency.
    3 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish

    Algorithms and Software AI

    This specialisation focusses on the decision-making processes inside robotic systems, learning to develop its ability to process external signals into autonomous, relevant movements and actions.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Human-Robot Interaction and Social AI

    This specialisation focusses on how robotic systems fit in with people in social settings in terms of communication, movement, acceptance and trust. How do robots and humans interact with each other?
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Mechatronics and Physical AI

    In this specialisation, you learn how to design and develop robotic systems that often physically interact with the environment. This means combining mechanics, electronics, control, and computing
    MSc2 yearsFull-time
  • Sustainable Energy Technology

    Do you feel called upon to make a valuable contribution to the sustainable energy transition? Become an expert in the development, implementation and integration of sustainable energy technologies.
    MSc2 yearsFull-timeEnglish


You are admissible to most engineering and technology master’s at our university, or at other universities in the Netherlands or abroad, although for some you may need to complete a pre-master’s programme. You can choose to do this pre-master’s as one of your minors during the Bachelor’s.

A master’s in social sciences, such as PsychologyPhilosophy or Business Administration, is also possible. A tailored pre-master’s is usually necessary. Some students combine their post-graduate studies with our Dutch-taught Master’s in Science Education and Communication, which allows you to work in education, among other things.

Finding a job after completing the Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering

Most students do not enter the job market until they have a Master's degree, although you can do so after your Bachelor's. The Mechanical Engineering programme will train you as an expert in designing, improving and maintaining machines, devices, installations, constructions and processes that are vital for society – now and in the future. Highly educated engineers will always be in high demand in the job market. In fact, there are good opportunities right here in Twente, the fastest-growing industrial region in the Netherlands. You can work wherever high-tech solutions based on a keen understanding of human and social needs are called for. Some examples of where you could end up working:

Well-known companies employing graduates from this programme include TNO, Unilever, Tesla, Shell and Tata Steel. In the Twente region, we have alumni working at Demcon, Apollo Vredestein, OPRA Turbines, AkzoNobel and Thales, among others.

Start your own company

You can also start your own business with a solution that you have developed. The UT enjoys recognition as ‘the most entrepreneurial university’ in the Netherlands. We are strong in the application of expertise to meaningfully influence society. Together with our students, we like to work with the innovation specialists from Novel-T, who like to tap into promising innovative business cases.

Spin-offs resulting from the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s

One example of a spin-off that resulted from this programme is The Drone Bird Company, a company that, among other things, uses drone birds to regulate birds’ presence around airports.

Another example is HoSt, one of the largest suppliers of bioenergy installations in Europe.

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