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StoryLab receives NWO grant for text mining project

Anneke Sools, psychologist at the University of Twente’s IGS Story Lab, and her team have been awarded an eScience grant of half a million euros by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The grant will fund What Works When for Who?, a text-mining project on big data collected in the context of known effective psychological interventions provided via internet. Dr Sools explains, “This project represents a major step towards personalizing therapies and assessing underlying theories and models.” 

The specific aim of the project is to detect patterns in language use (text mining) in the email exchanges between the clients and professionals engaged in these interventions. The patterns detected are then examined in relation to therapy success. The interdisciplinary project application was submitted with Bernard Veldkamp (OMD), Sytske Wiegersma (OMD / IGS Data Lab) and Gerben Westerhof (IGS Story Lab). 

Cooperation with NLeSC

The project is a collaboration between the University of Twente and the Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC). The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) is the national hub for the development and application of domain overarching software and methods for the scientific community. NLeSC is a joint initiative of the Dutch national research council (NWO) and the Dutch organisation for ICT in higher education and research (SURF). Half of the grant takes the form of deployment of one or more postdoctoral eScience Research Engineers who will work for the centre.  The purpose of the eScience fund at NWO is to accelerate scientific discovery by means of information and communication technology.

Last but not least, the project also provides for collaboration with Dutch institutions and leading researchers outside the Netherlands in the field of text mining in a therapeutic context by organizing two working conferences during the project.

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