Choosing ATLAS (2/4) Academic Advisors and Student Mentors

Our compass to navigating liberal terraign

ATLAS prides itself in the self-directedness of students learning. Here we chose what we want to learn, which courses we want to follow and what we want our academic profile to consist of. This is an incredible opportunity, but incredibly intimidating if you, as a student who “chose not to choose”, suddenly have to … choose. On top of this, it is a full time honours degree programme where students are not only expected, but want to excel. As trailblazers an ATLAS student finds themselves in uncharted territory and is expected to draw their own map. But we get a compass! A trusted tool to fall back on should we need help and guidance. Un-metaphorically our compasses are our mentors, both student and teacher.

Academic advisors consist of the ATLAS teaching staff. Every student is assigned one at the beginning of each academic year. Your academic advisor acts as a source of advice regarding time management, course selection and academic concerns. They are the people you approach if you find yourself struggling academically and they will work together with you to get you back on track.

Mentors almost act as a lighthouse when you find yourself surrounded by a sea of choices

Klara Latta (Class of 2021)

Student mentors are assigned through the study association Atlantis but are encouraged due to their important role, mainly in the first year. Second and third years are assigned a mentee, and as a mentor they provide you with guidance on all the academic challenges such as your first PDP and SER (personal development plan, and self evaluation report), which coordinators to contact for certain electives etc.. However, as students who have finished the first year of the programme themselves, student mentors can offer vital advice when it comes to social life, managing the workload and adapting to university life.

Overall, advisors and mentors are not going to lead you through the programme, but will be there to support you as you forge your own path. Helping should you slip up and encouraging you to challenge yourself!

Picture of one of the ATLAS teachers

University College Twente offers a unique bachelor’s programme, Technology, Liberal, Arts and Sciences, to top students. Visit the University College Twente website for more information about the college and Technology, Liberal, Arts and Sciences website for more information about the bachelor program. Or visit us during the open day, a student-for-a-day or an insight-day.

Grace Wacher
Writer, Class of 2021
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