How much does studying cost?

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How much does it cost to study at the University of Twente? 

Studying costs money. If you are about to take the step into higher education, you will probably have many - financial - questions. What does studying cost? What expenses do I have as a student? Should I get a job on the side? Before you start studying, it is important to properly map out and arrange your financial situation. There are various forms of financial assistance such as student grants and allowances available.

What does studying cost?

Your student time is the best time of your life! The total cost of living is around €15,000,- per year, excluding tuition fees. This information is meant as an indication of an average student's annual budget.

Annual costs



Food and drinks


Books and supplies
Some programmes require additional study material, e.g. specific software.




Insurance (optional for EU/EEA students)
These costs depend on the policies of insurance companies in your home country. EU/EEA students can opt for additional insurance of €10-€25 per month. This insurance covers costs of liability, household contents and luggage, legal aid and extra costs.


Entry visa/residence permit (Non-EU/EEA students only)




Bank account


Other (clothing etc.)


Total annual costs


One-time costs

Costs are subject to change: typographical errors may occur. 

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