Minor Fair

Minor Fair 2025-2026

The minor fair for the minors of the first semester 2025-2026 will be held on Tuesday 25 March 2025, from 10 AM till 2 PM @DesignLab. You can gather a lot of information and ask questions. Almost all of the HTHT minors will be represented and general information will be provided, information about exchange minors will also be provided.

To give you an idea of what to expect, below is the programme of 2024-2025.

HTHT MINORS at the minor fair

Other minors at the minor fair (IN PROGRESS)

In addition to the HTHT minors, the following minors will be represented at the minor fair:


During the fair the following minors will give a presentation (+ Q&A) in Inform:

11.20 - 11.50    Intelligence and Creativity in Science and Technology (30 EC minor)
12.00 - 12.30    Going Dutch: Kickstart your Dutch Work-Life (only for non-Dutch students)
12.45 - 13.15    Leren Lesgeven
13.20 - 13.50    Crossing Borders

Additional information about specific minors

A few minors have gathered some additional information for you. If this is the case for HTHT minors, you will find it in the already available information on our website. Here you can find all the information about our HTHT minors.

More information about other minors:

Professional Learning in Organizations: video and flyer 
Psychology in Learning and Instruction: video and flyer 
Smart Cities - Multifunctional Flood Defences: factsheet and presentation 
Circular Economy Transition: flyer
Environmental Values and Sustainable Transformations: flyer
Technology for Women's Health ni a Life Span Perspective: flyer


If you have specific questions about a minor, please contact the minor contact person. The contact person can be found in the tool of options. If you have general questions (for example regarding registration), please contact minor@utwente.nl.