HomeEducationMasterUniversity of Twente teacher training course gets its own study association

University of Twente teacher training course gets its own study association

The University of Twente has a new study association: s.v. ONWIJS. The study association has been established for students on the University of Twente teacher training course. These include the Science Education and Communication master's programmes, the Teaching Social Sciences (LVHOM) master's programme and the Learning to Teach minor. The name of the association was announced during an informal reception on Thursday, appropriately accompanied by traditional Dutch rusks with sprinkles.

The board is formed by Ashley Hogt (chair), Bernike Rijksen (secretary), Aart Kooiman (treasurer) and Rogier ter Bogt (board member). They were together responsible for establishing the new study association. "The initial aim of the study association is to strengthen the bond between the students on the course. We also hope that the quality of education will become even better than it already is and that we can create a large network, both internally and externally", says Bernike Rijksen. Aart adds: "The study association is also a place to come together and socialize with one another. The course is relatively small. By means of the study association, it is easy to make the right connections and organize interesting activities together".

The initiators hope that the association will advance the promotion of the teacher training course. "Only a few students know that the UT offers a teacher training course. After your master's programme, you can for example do this course as a second master's, or follow this master's programme at the same time as another, as I am doing at the moment with my current master's degree in Mechanical Engineering", says Aart.

The main aim of study associations is to organize activities in the field of study and socializing. The University of Twente currently has 16 associations that are affiliated with the Union of Study Associations. Up until now, there was no association for the University of Twente teacher training course. "We went to the notary last week and are currently busy writing a programme plan, in order to be officially recognized as an association by the faculty", continues Aart.  The aim is to welcome thirty members within six months.

Science Education and Communication

The Science Education and Communication (SEC) degree programme trains students to become a postgraduate secondary education teacher in two years. During the master's degree, students choose a specialization in the school subject Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and/or the combination of Research and Design and Nature, Life and Technology. The course starts in September and February and can be followed on either a full-time or part-time basis.

Sociology and Social Sciences teacher

The masters programme Teaching Social Sciences (LVHOM) trains students to become a postgraduate secondary education sociology and social sciences teacher in one year. The course starts in September and February and can be followed on either a full-time or part-time basis. Currently 75 students are following the SEC or LVHOM master's degree at the University of Twente.

Learning to Teach minor

The Learning to Teach minor familiarizes students with the profession of teacher in secondary education and prepares them for the postgraduate teacher training course. Students who choose the comprehensive educational minor gain a postgraduate teaching qualification for pre-vocational secondary education (VMBO-t) and first years' senior general secondary education (HAVO)/university preparatory education (VWO).

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