HomeEducationMasterNew during UT Open Days: Enschede City Tour

New during UT Open Days: Enschede City Tour

As the best Technical University for bachelor’s programmes according to the Keuzegids ranking, we have high expectations for the Open Days on 15, 16 and 17 March. And with second place in the Keuzegids ranking for master’s programmes and eight master programmes being designated as Top Programme, the Open Days kick off with Master Open Day on Thursday 15 March. UT expects nearly 7000 prospective students and assistants, just like last time. In addition, visitors to the bachelor’s programmes will enjoy the newest addition to the UT Open Days: an Enschede City Tour.

The Enschede City Tour is a new addition to the Bachelor Open Days for first-time visitors or those who want to get to know the city better. There will be a tour of the city centre, organised by the student Association A.S.V. Taste. Taste is the largest and most enterprising student association of Enschede. Thanks to the association it will be possible to visit some student residences. Then we will visit the Pakkerij.

The Pakkerij

The Pakkerij historically served as a warehouse for the Van Heek textile factory. Later on, the building belonged to the Polaroid company. These days it houses four UT student associations: A.S.V. Taste, DSCC/DJCR ‘Audentis et Virtutis’, AEGEE-Enschede and C.S.V. Alpha. The Enschede City Tour ends at the Antigoon Society in the Pakkerij, where we will end the day with a drink and thirty minutes of questions. The Enschede City Tour is offered by UT and is free.

On the Campus

In addition to the Enschede City Tour, the Open Days include a welcome presentation in English at the beginning of each day programme. For bachelor’s visitors from Germany there will be a German-language presentation about studying in Holland. All programmes and demos will be represented in the Information Market and the Infofestival. A student counsellor will be available during the Infofestival of the Bachelor Open Days to administer study choice tests. During the day, prospective students can participate in a campus tour (which includes a visit to some student residences).

Hunting for the country’s finest students? You came to the right place

Other universities are increasingly keeping an eye on UT. We have already noticed recruiting campaigns from another university for incoming students in the Twente region. UT has reacted to this via social media: Hey University of Groningen! Hunting for the country’s finest students? You came to the right place… 😉 #utwente

drs. J.G.M. van den Elshout (Janneke)
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