
Get support in choosing a master’s

Applied Mathematics

Are you interested in joining the Master’s in Applied Mathematics after you have obtained your bachelor’s? If so, you may be required to complete a pre-master’s first.

What is a pre-Master's?

The Pre-Master's of Applied Mathematics is a transfer and bridging programme for university education bachelor's students of Dutch universities or infrequently for higher professional education students (‘HBO’ in Dutch) who wish to obtain a university master's, but who cannot be admitted directly. Once you’ve successfully completed the pre-master's, you’ll be granted admission to the Master’s in Applied Mathematics. 

Pre-master's goal

The pre-master’s goal is to prepare you for the Master’s in Applied Mathematics. This means you will be taught knowledge and skills in the mathematics needed to start out well-equipped for the Master’s in Applied Mathematics will be improved. If you manage to successfully complete the pre-master’s within one year, you will be admitted to the Master's of Applied Mathematics.

Start Date

The pre-master's starts every September. 


For university students in a technical discipline  

The study workload, or number of EC, that the pre-master’s for Dutch university students consists of, depends on your previous education and will not be the same for everyone. Pre-master’s for Dutch university students range between 10-30 EC. Be sure to inquire after the possibilities of making the pre-master's the minor of your university bachelor's. The pre-master’s slightly depends on the specialisation you want to study within the Master’s Applied Mathematics:

Quartile 1: September-November



Linear Structures 1 (part of Module 1)


Mathematical Statistics (part of Module 5)


Introduction to Mathematical Analysis




*Advised is to also join the programming course Programming Matlab (1 EC)

Quartile 2:  November-February



Linear Structures 2 (part of Module 2)


Mathematical Statistics 2 (part of Module 6)


Nonlinear Optimalisation and Learning (part of Module 6)




Total EC of both modules: 30 (*+ 1 EC)

Quartile 1: September-November



Linear Structures 1 (part of Module 1)


Mathematical Statistics (part of Module 5)


Introduction to Mathematical Analysis




Quartile 2:  November-February



Linear Structures 2 (part of Module 2)


Mathematical Statistics 2 (part of Module 6)


Systems Theory (part in Module 2)




Total EC of both modules: 30 EC

Pre-master for university students in a non-technical discipline and for University of Applied Sciences (Dutch hbo) students

The Pre-Master’s for students of University of Applied Sciences depends strongly on the current HBO programme and your previous education and will not be the same for everyone. The pre-master’s will be defined individually, looking for the best-fit to the current programme. To bridge the gap between the HBO programme and the starting level of the Master’s Applied Mathematics the pre-master’s is way more than 30 EC. You can however use you minor, transfer minor/'Kies op maat' to follow a first part (30 EC) of the pre-master’s. After your study you will be able to complete the rest of your pre-master’s.


The (pre)-master's is in English as is the required literature.


The pre-master’s is designed for students who have the motivation and capacities to obtain an academic degree from an English-taught Master’s in Applied Mathematics. Your eligibility for admission to the Pre-Master's in Applied Mathematics depends on your previous education.

Students with an international bachelor’s degree can only apply for the master’s directly and the admission committee will decide if a pre-master’s is needed for admission to the master's.

More information on admission

Rules of the pre-Master’s programme

To be admitted to the master’s, the pre-master’s has to be completed successfully within one academic year (with no more than 2 exams per course). Students encountering special circumstances have to ask the exam committee for exemption of the rules mentioned above and inform their academic counsellor as soon as the circumstances come up.

After finishing your pre-master’s and your bachelor’s, you can start the master’s.

Pre-master Application route

The application process for the pre-master's depends on your personal situation and your previous education. You can apply for admittance online, see

Keep an eye on the application deadlines and check them prior to your application. 


For general information please contact our Study Information Desk.

For questions regarding the pre-master's, contact the pre-master coordinator of Applied Mathematics Jan Schut 

More info

More information about our pre-master's you’ll find here.

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