
Get support in choosing a master’s

As a student of the Master’s in Applied Physics with a specialisation in Quantum Physics, you will be taught by leading professors of various research groups. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to contribute to high-end research yourself. In the second year of your Master’s, for example, when you will write your master’s thesis.

Find out more about the research groups that are related to this specialisation, and the research they are conducting, below:

  • Adaptive Quantum Optics (AQO)

    The Adaptive Quantum Optics (AQO) group investigates the physics of quantum light in multidimensional systems for applications in (quantum) information science and technology. This group combines adaptive methods to counteract or even exploit disorder in nanophotonic systems in combination with quantum states of light. Research topics they cover include physical unclonable keys, boson sampling and photonic simulations.

  • Quantum Transport in Matter (QTM)

    The research of the Quantum Transport in Matter (QTM) group addresses quantum aspects of electronic transport in novel materials and devices. Examples of materials are correlated electron systems such as novel superconductors, oxides interfaces, and topological insulators. State-of-the-art materials science and nanotechnology are combined with ultrasensitive transport measurements to reveal novel quasiparticles such as Majorana fermions and magnetic monopoles.

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