Courses & research

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During your Master’s in Business Information Technology (BIT), you will collect a total of 120 EC within two years. In addition to the six compulsory courses that form the core of this master's, you will follow additional courses within the specialisation Enterprise Security Management.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.


Programme structure

Compulsory courses for the Master's
For all Master's students in Business Information Technology.

30 EC

Specialisation courses
You choose at least four out of six courses of the specialisation Data Science & Business.

20-30 EC

Elective courses
You can choose a variety of (pre-approved) courses of the BIT curriculum as well as courses of other master’s at UT. You can also choose to do an internship (worth 20 EC).

20-30 EC

Examples of pre-approved electives:

Master’s thesis
Your master’s thesis is worth 30 EC. You will prepare for your thesis during the course Research Topics Business Information Technology, which is worth 10 EC.

40 EC

Total EC

120 EC

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Master's thesis

You will complete your Master’s by writing your master’s thesis. The majority of our students complete their graduation project at an external organisation, either in the Netherlands or abroad. This is a great way for you to combine your in-depth scientific insights with some hands-on, practical experience.

The choice of your thesis topic is largely up to you. You will have the opportunity to contribute to high-end research at UT. Your article might even get published, as proven by the numerous publications of our former students.

Most students use their graduation project as a means of preparing for the field of work they want to enter after graduation; in fact, many of our graduates launch their careers with the company at which they conducted their thesis research.

Your master’s thesis could involve undertaking projects such as:
  • Developing a Cyber Incident Response Decision Model in case of cyber threats on Naval Ships;
  • Investigating Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management in the Netherlands in the Context of EU-Cyber security Regulation;
  • Analysing how much organisations should invest in cyber security countermeasures.
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