Career perspectives

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As a graduate of the Master’s in Chemical Science & Engineering with a specialisation in Chemical & Process Engineering (CPE), you can look forward to an exciting career as a process engineer, process developer or researcher, to name a few examples. Another option is to continue with a PhD- or EngD programme. Or you could become an entrepreneur and start up your own business.

Type of degree

When you have completed this Master's with the specialisation in CPE, you will receive a Master’s degree in Chemical Science & Engineering. Also, you can title yourself Master of Science (MSc). Your specialisation will be mentioned specifically on your diploma supplement, highlighting your specialised knowledge and skills in chemical and process engineering, including the electives you followed.

Job opportunities

With the undeniable need for the industry to move towards more sustainable and circular chemical processes, it is an exciting time to start a career in the chemical process industry. Innovations are needed and that is why skilled chemical process engineers are currently in high demand on the job market. Completing this Master’s with a specialisation in Chemical & Process Engineering will thus offer you great career opportunities.

UT alumni with this specialisation currently work in various positions and organisations, for example:
  • Process Engineer at Nouryon
  • Membrane Scientist at NX Filtration
  • Process Developer at DSM Engineering Materials

The vast majority – more than half – of the students of this specialisation takes on a job as a process engineer after graduation. On the job, you could grow into a true specialist in your field, or you could work towards a management function if that is where your interests lie. Moreover, you could start a career as a consultant or researcher as well. The choice is yours!

You could take on these positions in many different sectors, varying from the chemicals or metals industry, refineries, waste processing, water purification, or the pharmaceutical or food and beverage industry, to name a few examples. We have graduates working for companies such as Shell, AkzoNobel, Dow, Twence, Nouryon, FrieslandCampina, Grolsch, Teijin, Zeton, HoSt, BTG and the list goes on.

Start a business

At UT, we highly encourage entrepreneurship. This University is the birthplace of a large number of high-tech spin-off companies that market developed technologies. You could use your research or even inventions stemming from your master’s thesis and/or your PhD research to start up your own innovative company as well! UT has been voted the most entrepreneurial university in the Netherlands four times in a row. We have a unique approach of putting scientific knowledge to practical use and turning our expertise and yours into solutions that people and society actually need. As a catalyst for meaningful entrepreneurship, we offer you the Novel-T foundation and their start-up hub Incubase on campus.

Former students have gone before you. For example, Eurekite, a company specialised in developing flexible ceramic fibres, was started up by a CSE graduate. Will you be next?

Continue as a researcher: obtain a PhD

Instead of pursuing a professional career right away after obtaining your Master’s degree, you can opt to follow a PhD programme, with many opportunities right here at UT, but also throughout the world. As a PhD candidate, you will conduct independent research for several years under the supervision of a senior researcher within a research group, culminating in the public defence of your PhD dissertation. Obtaining your PhD will earn you the title of Doctor (Dr).

Interested in continuing with a PhD after your Master’s? You can find vacancies below, but you can also explore your options during your Master’s, for example at the research group in which you complete your master’s thesis. Note that you always need to apply for a PhD-position. The application procedure is similar to an actual job application.

Follow an EngD programme

For excellent professionals and graduates with a Master’s degree from a university, Twente Graduate School (TGS) offers five different Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programmes. These two-year, tailored programmes are aimed at you becoming a high-level technological designer. The EngD programme most likely to match your interests as a Master’s in Chemical Science & Engineering would be Energy & Process Technology. On successfully completing the programme, you will receive a certified diploma and the academic degree title, Engineering Doctorate (EngD). Interested in doing an EngD? You can check below if there are any vacancies. If not, you can also send in an open application.

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