Alumnus Jonathan Melissant

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Embedded Systems offers a nice balance between software and hardware.

Jonathan Melissant, alumnus Embedded Systems

After finishing my Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering, I was looking for a master's that had a balance between Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Being in the Embedded System domain, both hardware- and software aspects are important and are of interest to me. Therefore I made the choice to take part in the 4TU MSC Embedded Systems Master's.

During my studies I learned a great deal more about Computer Science, (Embedded) Linux, Embedded Computer Architecture and so on. The focus on both software and hardware was for me a very nice balance which kept the study interesting enough to finish. Instead of specialising in one part I've broadened my knowledge even more, which could be useful in case of management aspirations in the future.

After finishing my studies in 2011 by doing a master's project at Thales NL in Hengelo, they offered me a job as Software Engineer, which I happily accepted. Here I started working in a Dutch research project called “STARS”, in which we work together with organisations such as TNO, TU Delft, University of Twente and Recore Systems. This project was a continuation of the knowledge I gained during my master's studies. I still work at Thales NL with great joy, being part of three different projects in the role as both Software Engineer and Scrum Master.

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