Content of the Master's in European Studies

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Learn how to govern political, societal and technological challenges in the European context. Get futureproof perspectives on cross-border policymaking.

In this Master’s, you will learn how to address political-administrative, societal, and technological challenges within the European context that can usually not be solved with just a simple solution. What does policymaking entail in a complex multi-level governance system, like the European Union, or even the United Nations? You will come to grips with policy cycles that transcend national borders and deal with the complexities of varying (conflicting) interests, multitudes of institutions, voting systems, geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainties, and more. You will study the role of public as well as private actors at the European and international, but also the local and national level: which organisations and actors are involved in the governance of cross-border challenges? And how can they develop effective solutions?

Examples of courses you will follow within this Master’s:
  • International Political Economy: how can you identify and analyze the relevant political, economic, social and security structures that govern international relations?
  • Comparative Public Governance: how can you make effective European solutions for current key challenges, and how do you do this in a democratic and legitimate way?
  • Governance & Technology beyond the Nation State: how can you handle the implications of technological advances for governance, with a special focus on decolonial relations, geopolitical tensions and global crises?

This Master’s integrates European Studies into today’s global, digitalised society, addressing challenges related to technology, (geo)politics, and sustainability. What does it take to create regulations that address the potential impact of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition on individuals’ privacy? Or to deal with cross-border data transfer between the EU and the USA or China? How can the EU rethink its approach to energy security, not only prioritising sustainable energy sources but also minimising vulnerability to external factors and geopolitical uncertainties? How can countries collaborate in minimising water pollution or implementing effective asylum policies for refugees? And how can EU regulations help companies stay competitive in today’s global market, fostering responsible and sustainable innovation while maintaining high standards for consumer protection and overall societal well-being? These are just some of the many questions you could deal with.

What will you learn?

As a graduate of this Master’s, you have acquired specific scientific knowledge, skills, and values.

  • Knowledge

    After completing this Master’s, you:

    • have academic knowledge of the key disciplines in European Studies such as international and European law and politics, and the governance of social and economic policies.
    • are able to identify, discuss, and review state of the art theories, models, and results of research in the fields of European studies.
    • are able to identify, discuss, and review applications of research in a relevant domain, such as security, welfare and health, science and technology and sustainability.
  • Skills

    After completing this Master’s, you:

    • identify, (re)define, and analyse global societal challenges from a theoretical framework on the basis of policy, governance and regulatory perspectives.
    • use scientific knowledge and models, in such a way that you are able to design a solution to, or develop an advice about, a societal challenge on the basis of policy, governance, and regulatory perspectives.
  • Values

    After completing this Master’s, you:

    • have academic reasoning skills, are able to apply modes of reasoning (including deduction, induction, and analogy) and exchange and justify arguments in a critical, open, and constructive way.
    • are able to critically reflect on, and form an opinion on, the work and professional actions of yourself and others.
    • are able to give constructive feedback (advice) and receive and make use of feedback (advice) from others to improve your actions, work (processes) and products.
    • are able to effectively and efficiently collaborate with others, both in an academic and professional environment.

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