Let's talk about your career

Discover Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Society at our Master Open Day on November 16th

The Philosophy of Science, Technology, & Society programme at the University of Twente explores the complex relationship between science, technology, and society. The programme is interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on insights from philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and other fields. Students in the PSTS programme develop a critical understanding of the social, cultural, and ethical dimensions of scientific and technological developments.

Sign up for the Masters Open Day for Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Society on November 16th.
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Alumni Talks - Philosophy of Science Technology & Society student visits a Project Manager at Surf

In this video Philosophy of Science Technology & Society student Cynthia is visiting alumnus Iris who is a Project Manager at Surf. Iris shows us what her career looks like after completing the Master’s in Philosophy of Science Technology & Society. Also, she talks about the opportunities and challenges she encountered. Stay tuned for more videos in which we follow our alumni and find out what their careers look like after completing a master's at the University of Twente.

Your future career

Graduates of the PSTS programme have a unique set of skills and knowledge that can be applied in various fields. Here are some of the newest job opportunities for PSTS graduates:

These are just a few examples of the new and exciting career paths available to PSTS graduates. Graduates can use their knowledge, skills, and expertise to pursue a wide range of careers in various industries, including science policy, science communication, technology, research, and ethics and compliance.

Explore at our open days

Excited to explore your future at the University of Twente? Join us at our upcoming Open Day and discover what makes our campus the perfect place to learn, grow, and make an impact! From hands-on workshops to campus tours and interactive presentations, you'll get an inside look at what it's like to study at one of the top universities in the Netherlands. Don't miss this opportunity to meet our inspiring students, staff, and faculty, and find out why UT is the right choice for you!

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