For students of Dutch research universities

Start your application for this Master's


As of the academic year 2022-2023, the Master's specialisation in Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology (PCPT) uses a selection procedure, with a maximum number of available places. The selection procedure is simple and transparent and aims to admit students who consciously choose the field of work of a health care psychologist and for whom the Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology specialisation is a suitable programme. 

Below you can find the admission requirements, deadlines and more information about the PCPT selection procedure.

Admission requirements & deadlines

  • Applicants with a bachelor’s in Psychology, University of Twente

    Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology awarded by the University of Twente are admissible to the master’s programme. For the master’s specialisation PCPT the (elective) module/study unit Mental Health in the second year of the bachelor is identified as an obligatory prerequisite. This means that students who obtain the bachelor’s programme including the Mental Health module meet the admission requirements to participate in the PCPT selection procedure.

    • September 2024 intake

      The deadline for application for the PCPT selection procedure (intake September 2024) is 31 March 2024. Current or graduated bachelor Psychology students from the University of Twente need to submit this webform as their official application, 31 March 2024 at the latest.

      Students/graduates who do not submit the webform before the deadline are not able to take part in the selection procedure, and are thus not able to start the master’s specialisation PCPT in September 2024. Please note: current (third year) students will also be informed by the PSY staff team about this procedure and the deadline for application with the webform. More detailed information about the selection procedure can be found below. 

    • February 2025 intake

      The deadline for application for the PCPT selection procedure (intake February 2025) is 30 September 2024. Current or graduated bachelor Psychology students from the University of Twente need to submit this webform as their official application, 30 September 2024 at the latest.

      Students/graduates who do not submit the webform before the deadline are not able to take part in the selection procedure, and are thus not able to start the master’s specialisation PCPT in February 2025. Please note: current (third year) students will also be informed by the PSY staff team about this procedure and the deadline for application with the webform. More detailed information about the selection procedure can be found below. 

  • Applicants with a bachelor’s in Psychology from an(other) Dutch (research) university

    The details of your previous (bachelor’s) education will determine whether you fulfil the admission requirements for the master Psychology, specialisation PCPT. Below you can find detailed information about the admission criteria and the deadlines.

    • September 2024 intake

      On this website you can find a document/form including detailed information about the admission requirements for the selection procedure for PCPT. Please note that this form is also part of the official application procedure.

      Students who wish to start in September 2024 must have completed their application with all required uploads submitted via OSIRIS on 15 March 2024 at the latest.  

      Do you not meet the admission requirements?

      When you do not meet the admission requirements it is unfortunately not possible to participate in the master's specialisation in Positive Clinical Psychology and Technology. Are you interested in one of the other specialisations in our master? Please indicate this in your application process. Then the admission committee will assess for which other master’s specialisation you are admissible.

    • February 2025 intake

      On this website you can find a document/form including detailed information about the admission requirements for the selection procedure for PCPT. Please note that this form is also part of the official application procedure.

      Students who wish to start in February 2025 must have completed their application with all required uploads submitted via OSIRIS on 15 September 2024 at the latest.  

      Do you not meet the admission requirements?

      When you do not meet the admission requirements it is unfortunately not possible to participate in the master's specialisation in Positive Clinical Psychology and Technology. Are you interested in one of the other specialisations in our master? Please indicate this in your application process. Then the admission committee will assess for which other master’s specialisation you are admissible.

  • Students with a Bachelor’s (or Master’s) degree in another educational background subject

    The specialisation in Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology is only open to applicants in possession of an academic Bachelor’s (or Master’s) degree in Psychology.

    Do you have Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in another subject? In that case, you can choose from the following four specialisations:

    Please check the admission page of the above-mentioned specialisations to see if you are admissible.

PCPT selection procedure

If you meet the formal admission requirements for the master's Psychology, specialisation PCPT, you will be invited for the selection procedure, which consists of two rounds. Based on (the formal prerequisites and) the selection criteria, a selection committee decides on the ranking for admission. Candidates get a ranking number on the placement list, and candidates with a ranking number up to the maximal number of available places (70 students) will be offered a place in the PCPT specialisation. Candidates can take part in the selection procedure no more than three times. The following qualitative admission criteria will be assessed in the selection procedure:

Round 1

  1. Technology in mental health care skills (40%) – Candidates have to complete an assignment concerning a challenge in mental health care for which they describe a research proposal.
  2. Relevant earlier accomplishments (20%) – (weighted mean) grade(s) for relevant/specific study components* required for PCPT specialisation obtained up to the time of submission.

Round 2 (selected 90 students, based on criteria 1 and 2)

  1. Communication and reflection skills and intrinsic motivation (40%) – During a selection interview, the selection committee will ask questions (based on a pitch, earlier accomplishments and motivation) to assess these skills and motivation.

*BSc students from Psychology UT: Module 3 Cognition and Development: theory component/course ‘Brain, Cognition and Development’, Module 4 The Individual: components/courses theory ‘Personality & Clinical Psychology’ and research methods ‘Data Collection & Test Construction’, Module 6 Mental Health: all components/courses, Module 8 Psychological and Professional skills: components ‘Communication Skills Theory’ and ‘Applied Communication Skills’.
*BSc students from other Dutch (research) universities, see form with admission requirements.


  • September 2024 intake


    In the table below you can find the relevant dates for the selection procedure, and important to-do’s for applicants/candidates.



    To-do by candidate

    Ultimately 12 April 2024

    Applicants will be informed whether or not they fulfil the formal admission requirements for the master in Psychology, specialisation PCPT


    Week* 15, 2024

    Information about the assignment will be sent to the candidates

    Check e-mail (including spam folder!) daily and start working on the assignment when you have received the information

    Week 16/17, 2024

    Assignment (1)

    Hand in assignment ultimately Monday 22 April 2024 09:00 CET

    Week 17, 2024

    The 90 candidates who get selected based on the submitted assignment (1) and relevant earlier accomplishments (2) will be invited for the selection interview (3).

    Check your e-mail daily (including spam folder!) as you will receive an e-mail whether you have been selected for round 2 or not. If so, save the date and time of the selection interview. If you have not been selected for round 2, this means the selection procedure ends for you and you will not be able to start PCPT in September.

    Week 18/19, 2024

    The selection interviews will take place (3)

    Show up at your selection interview

    Week 20, 2024

    Ranking order will be decided based on the selection criteria ultimately 15 May 2024

    If you have been selected (ranking numbers 1-70): accept the offer for a place in time, otherwise, the offer will expire and the place will be offered to the next candidate on the ranking list.

    * Europe/ISO Standard

    Please note: if you do not hand in the assignment, or if you do not show up at the selection interview, you cannot be selected for (and thus start with) the master’s specialisation PCPT. 

    • If you have been selected based on your ranking number:

      1. Make sure to meet the deadline for accepting our Offer of Admission:

      • 1 June (2024) for Non-EEA (VISA) nationalities: you need a residence permit for the Netherlands/visa when you wish to live and study here. Note that your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. You can check via the website of the Dutch government if you have an EEA nationality. When your nationality is not on the list, you have a non-EEA nationality. The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission, be aware of those deadlines as well: When receiving your rank on 15 May, you must accept the Offer of Admission on the same day, in order to start arranging your visa in time, see: Visa deadlines (
      • 1 July (2024) if you have a nationality of one of the European Economic Area (EEA) or if you have Dutch nationality, in possession of an international (foreign) diploma.

      2. Make sure to meet the deadline to submit the final certified photocopies:

      • 1 September (2024): your application will not be completed until the final certified photocopies are provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed.

    Accepting an offer for a place in the PCPT specialisation after your participation in the selection procedure does not mean you have finalised your enrolment. Make sure to have completed all steps in the admission procedure in time in order to meet the formal admission requirements as well.

    • If you have not been selected based on your ranking number:

      Candidates that have not been selected will be placed on the waiting list, in the order of their position on the placement list (by ranking number). Candidates will sequentially be placed in the PCPT specialisation as long as places are vacated, until the 15th of August 2024 at the latest depending on the visa deadlines applicable based on your nationality. Please check your e-mail (including spam folder) regularly (=preferably daily) from the 15th of May until the 15th of August, because if we inform you about a placing offer from the waiting list, you need to inform us within a short period of time (one or two weeks) if you will accept our offer for a place in the PCPT specialisation.

      If you have not been selected (after placement on the waiting list), you are not able to start the PCPT Master specialisation. In that case, you have the following options:

      1. Take part in the selection procedure again, up to a maximum of three times in total.
      2. Choose one of the other master specialisations instead of PCPT. If you are interested in one of the other specialisations in our master (as a second choice), you can/need to indicate this already in your application process. Then the admission committee will assess your admissibility for that master specialisation.
  • February 2025 intake


    In the table below you can find the relevant dates for the selection procedure, and important to-do’s for applicants/candidates.



    To-do by candidate

    11 October 2024

    Applicants will be informed whether or not they fulfil the formal admission requirements for the master in Psychology, specialisation PCPT.


    Week* 41, 2024

    Information about the assignment will be sent to the candidates

    Check e-mail (including spam folder!) daily and start working on the assignment when you have received the information

    Week 42, 2024

    Assignment (1)

    Hand in the assignment ultimately on Monday 21 October 2024 09:00 CET

    Week 43, 2024

    The 90 candidates who get selected based on the submitted assignment (1) and relevant earlier accomplishments (2) will be invited for the selection interview (3).

    Check your e-mail daily (including spam folder!) as you will receive an e-mail whether you have been selected for round 2 or not. If so, save the date and time of the selection interview. If you have not been selected for round 2, this means the selection procedure ends for you and you will not be able to start PCPT in February

    Week 44/45,

    The selection interviews will take place (3)

    Show up at your selection interview

    Week 46, 2024

    Ranking order will be decided based on the selection criteria ultimately 15 November 2024.

    If you have been selected (ranking numbers 1-70): accept the offer for a place in time, otherwise, the offer will expire and the place will be offered to the next candidate on the ranking list.

    *Europe/ISO Standard

    Please note: if you do not hand in the assignment, or if you do not show up at the selection interview, you cannot be selected for (and thus start with) the Master’s specialisation PCPT.

    • If you have been selected based on your ranking number:

      1. Make sure to meet the deadline for accepting our Offer of Admission:

      • 15 november (2024) for Non-EEA (VISA) nationalities: you need a residence permit for the Netherlands/visa when you wish to live and study here. Note that your current nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. You can check via the website of the Dutch government if you have an EEA nationality. When your nationality is not on the list, you have a non-EEA nationality. The visa/residence permit procedure only starts after accepting your Offer of Admission, be aware of those deadlines as well: When receiving your rank on 15 November, you must accept the Offer of Admission on the same day, in order to start arranging your visa in time, see: Visa deadlines (
      • 1 December (2024) if you have a nationality of one of the European Economic Area (EEA) or if you have Dutch nationality, in possession of an international (foreign) diploma.

      2. Make sure to meet the deadline to submit the final certified photocopies:

      • 1 February (2025): your application will not be completed until the final certified photocopies are provided. The sooner the documents are provided, the sooner your application file will be completed.

    Accepting an offer for a place in the PCPT specialisation after your participation in the selection procedure does not mean you have finalised your enrolment. Make sure to have completed all steps in the admission procedure in time in order to meet the formal admission requirements as well.

    • If you have not been selected based on your ranking number:

      Candidates that have not been selected will be placed on the waiting list, in the order of their position on the placement list (by ranking number). Candidates will sequentially be placed in the PCPT specialisation as long as places are vacated, until the 20th of December 2024 at the latest depending on the visa deadlines applicable based on your nationality. Please check your e-mail (including spam folder) regularly (=preferably daily) from the 15th of November until the 20th of December, because if we inform you about a placing offer from the waiting list, you need to inform us within a short period of time (one or two weeks) if you will accept our offer for a place in the PCPT specialisation.

      If you have not been selected (after placement on the waiting list), you are not able to start the PCPT Master specialisation. In that case, you have the following options:

      1. Take part in the selection procedure again, up to a maximum of three times in total.
      2. Choose one of the other master specialisations instead of PCPT. If you are interested in one of the other specialisations in our master (as a second choice), you can/need to indicate this already in your application process. Then the admission committee will assess your admissibility for that master specialisation.

Start your application

Start your application for the Master's in Psychology
Go to Studielink

Didn't graduate yet?

You may be granted conditional acceptance based on your transcripts, detailed curriculum information, relevant research and expected graduation date. To finally be enrolled in the Master's, you do need to submit your bachelor's degree, once you have obtained this. You can also start your application when you have obtained a bachelor's or master's degree at UT in the past. 

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