Career perspectives

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Completing the Master’s in Psychology with a specialisation in Conflict, Risk & Safety (CRS) will open up a broad range of career opportunities. You could pursue a career as a behavioural scientist, consultant, trainer, researcher, mediator, teacher, and the list continues. You could also continue with a PhD, or even start up your own business.

Type of degree

When you have completed this Master's with the specialisation in Conflict, Risk & Safety, you will receive a Master’s degree in Psychology, along with the title Master of Science (MSc.). Your specialisation will be mentioned specifically on your diploma supplement, highlighting your specialised knowledge and skills in conflict, risk, and safety.

Job opportunities

Graduating this Master’s with a specialisation in CRS, you have in-depth knowledge in i.e. conflict negotiation, legal and forensic psychology, group dynamics and leadership, risk communication, and training and interventions. Thanks to this broad expertise, the types of jobs you could pursue after graduation are highly varied. Graduates found employment within e.g. the forensic or safety domain, the government sector, consultancy, research, education and even in journalism.

UT alumni with this specialisation currently work in various positions and organisations, for example:
  • Researcher Risk Management at Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (IFV, Institute for Safety)
  • Consultant/researcher at Dialogic Innovation and Interaction
  • Behavioural Data Scientist at Vodafone Ireland

For example, you could work as a behavioural expert within the probation service (reclassering in Dutch), or as an adviser at the Ministry of Justice and Security. You could also pursue a career as a researcher or data scientist, either within academia, but also within applied research or knowledge institutes, such as the Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (IFV, Institute for Safety) or the DSP-groep, an independent institute for policy research and social innovation. Another option is to become a teacher at, for example, the Police Academy, Saxion University of Applied Sciences or at the University of Twente. Some graduates of this specialisation even pursued a career as a job recruiter or personnel manager, or as a (freelance) journalist or communication adviser!

Start a business

Do you have a great business idea? At the University of Twente, you can turn it into reality! At UT, we highly encourage entrepreneurship. In fact, with over 1,000 start-ups to its name, UT is recognised as one of the most entrepreneurial universities in the Netherlands. Did you know that big international companies like and Just Eat Takeaway were once founded by students of UT? We are keen to put your scientific knowledge to practical use in solutions that people and society need. Your innovative ideas, creativity and the courage to put in the extra mile will be rewarded. As a catalyst for meaningful entrepreneurship, we offer you the Novel-T foundation and their start-up hub Incubase on campus.

Continue as a researcher: obtain a PhD

Instead of pursuing a professional career right away after completing your Master’s degree, you can opt to follow a PhD programme at Twente Graduate School (TGS). This involves spending four years studying a particular research area in-depth at one of our research institutes. Obtaining your PhD earns you the title of Doctor (Dr).

Interested in doing a PhD? You can check below if there are any vacancies. If not, you can also send in an open application.

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