

Storytelling lies deeply embedded in our human DNA. Although it may come as a surprise, you too were born for it. Whether in the privacy of your own head, on a stage at an event, in a job interview, or when picking up a date, the stories you tell and the way you tell them matter.

How can you take the audience with you on a captivating journey? What distinguishes compelling pitches from merely acceptable ones? What secret formulae do brilliant speakers use unbeknownst to the average speaker?

This two-session course offers insight into the do´s and don´ts in the art of audience transportation, focussing exclusively on the structure and tools used in the preparation phase of a talk.


The course is not aimed at particularly gifted and ambitious creative writers. It is meant for anyone who on a regular basis has thoughts and chooses to express those thoughts into words in order to convey meaning.

 The content includes:

·       Stories vs. facts
·       Story curves
·       Spicing up your talk
·       The don´ts
·       Narrative transportation
·       Swinging hormones
·       What to do with data?
·       The key to story immortality

 You will have the opportunity to discuss different aspects of the fascinating skill of storytelling with your peers. To integrate the materials offered, you will individually be working on a simple story theme from your own life.

The course does not include assessment or delivery of a presentation. You will be provided with worksheets as reference material for future storytelling opportunities in your life.

 Mieke Beurskens is a Linguist with a background in Journalism and Humanities, and more than 10 years of experience in University Education and Learning & Development.

Duration and time investment

The course consists of 2 online workshops of 2 hours each one week apart.

The first session requires 15-20 min. preparation and the second 30-40 min. The more time you invest, the more you stand to gain. Preparation, however helpful, is not compulsory.


  • Programme is for


  • Date

    Please see available dates below

  • Time

    Please see available times below

  • Location

    Online via MS Teams

  • Course fee

    € 25,00 non-refundable administration fee

  • Maximum participants

    Maximum of 12 participants

  • Trainers

    Mieke Beurskens

Further information:
UT Language Centre
Support Office
053 489 2040
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