Braintraining - Focus management


This three-hour workshop helps you understand how your attention span works so that you can stay focused and deal with distractions more effectively.   

Focus Academy are a team of experts in productivity who provide training for top companies. By understanding how your brain works, you will get a grip on focus. In our training courses, you will discover how the brain deals with attention and concentration. The effect is that you structurally get more done and experience less stress. What you learn here is useful for your studies and beyond. Change the way you work!


This training starts with a number of tests so that you can experience where your largest concentration drains are. Then we look at how to reduce the impact of distractions of your surroundings and at the same time increase resilience.

• How the brain works and deals with distractions
• Which concentration leaks exist
• How attention residue affects you in a shared work space
• The OHIO principle
• What is MTS and how to apply this at work
• How long is your attention span
• How to obtain more control, peace and overview of tasks at hand
• The best apps to help you ease your brain


This workshop takes three hours.

  • Programme is for

    Students who would like to learn how to get less distracted during the day, during their studying.

  • Date

    Check the available course dates on the page below.

  • Time

    Check the available time slots on the page below.

  • Location

    Location will be communicated in advance

  • Course materials

    This workshop is free of charge for all students of the University of Twente, and includes a digital resource.

  • Maximum participants

    Minimum 15 and maximum 40 participants

  • Trainers

    Focus Academy

Further Information
UT Language Centre Support Office
+31 53 489 2040
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Braintraining - Focus management
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