
On this page, you find all the information about de-enrolment and refund of tuition fees.

If you need to de-enrol from the University of Twente, you have to make a de-enrolment request in Studielink

De-enrolment after graduation

If you want to de-enrol immediately after graduation, submit your request in the month of graduation. Your de-enrolment will be effective from the first day of the next month. So, if you request de-enrolment on 1 September, you will be de-enrolled on 1 October. De-enrolment requests in June, July, and August will not be accepted. Your enrolment will end legally from 1 September of the next academic year. Graduating does not mean that your enrolment at UT will also terminate. You need to de-enrol via Studielink. De-enrolment cannot be backdated, so plan accordingly.

If you are leaving the Netherlands, do not forget to de-register at the municipality where you are registered.

Tuition fee refund

If you request de-enrolment in June, July, or August, you will not receive a tuition fee refund for those months. If you de-enrol on 1 December or 1 February and you chose to pay in instalments, a small amount of tuition fee might still be due, as instalments cover specific periods. Check our website for more refund details. 

If you are a pre-master's student you cannot come back to complete this pre-master's after de-enrolment. Check our website for more information on pre-master regulations. You also have no right to a refund in case you terminate your enrolment prematurely.

Transfer to another programme, hbo or another university

If you decide to transfer to an hbo (university of applied sciences) or another university in the Netherlands during the academic year, get a certificate stating your tuition fee payment. You then won't need to pay again if the tuition fees are equal or less. Contact Student Services for the certificate.

After de-enrolment

After de-enrolment, your student account and email will be withdrawn at the end of the de-enrolment month. For example, if you de-enrol on 1 December, your account will be closed on 30 December. Save any important information from your email account before it expires. This also means that you are no longer entitled to use UT's ICT facilities, including your mailbox and documents. This is also to protect your privacy. You will receive an email notification.


Once de-enrolled, you are no longer entitled to student grants from DUO. This applies to the lending right, the right to public transport and possibly a supplementary grant. Remember to sign off for student finance via MyDUO. Any outstanding debts from receiving student finance without being registered will need to be repaid. See more information here about refund of tuition fees on de-enrolment.

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