Flowers for biodiversity

Flower bulbs planted on the UT site are now fully blooming. As only few people can see it, we would like to share pictures of this beautiful sight with you. And don't worry, the bulbs will bloom again and again in the coming years.

Flower bulbs to increase biodiversit

Various types of flower bulbs and flower seeds are planned at various locations on the UT site. All these flowers have a different flowering cycles, so there will be nice changes in their compositions until the beginning of May. These flowers have not only been chosen to decorate the UT, but mostly to increase biodiversity. For this reason, various flower bulbs have been selected to improve biodiversity specifically at these locations. 

Special bee mix

In early spring there are little nectar and pollen at the UT site. The planted flowers give off a high amounts of nectar and pollen, making them highly nutritious for bees and other insects. A special bee mix consisting of crocuses, chionodoxa, scilla, muscari and wild tulips has been planted at various places on the UT site. Near oak trees mainly snowdrops, winter aconites, woodland crocuses, star hyacinths, woodland tulips, spring snowflakes and wild daffodils have been planted. These flowers attract the natural enemies of the oak processionary caterpillars, such as the ichneumon wasp, green lacewing and tachinid flies parasitic fly.

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