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Executive Board receives call for climate action

This afternoon, the Executive Board of the University of Twente received the Climate Letter from Scientists4Future Twente. All three EB members were present to receive the delegation, consisting of Frieder Mugele, professor in the Department of Physics of Complex Fluids (TNW), Vera Araujo-Soares, professor in the Department of Health Technology & Services Research (BMS) and Erik Kemp, master student Computer Science. The call was supported by more than 600 staff members and students.

In their Climate Letter, the initiators call for concrete and decisive steps to be taken to realise UT's sustainability ambitions. In addition, the UT must set an inspiring example in achieving a sustainable future.

The Executive Board was excited about the call: "It shows how passionate staff members and students are about climate change. It's not just a statement demanding more from the UT, but also an offer to make an active contribution. This cooperation is vital in achieving excellent results. In the coming period, we will be looking together at what steps we can take with the UT's sustainability ambitions."

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