New in stock: update UT merchandise

University of Twente is a strong brand name which we can promote proudly. Wearing our branded merchandise is an excellent way to do so. Our assortment contains products with key-words like sustainability, quality, diversity, innovation, up-to-date, and a healthy lifestyle are key words by which we evaluate the products that we offer.

The last months we’ve added new items such as:

  • Vegan, unisex sweaters in new colours: grey, dark blue and orange.
  • Totebags made from recycled cotton with a drawstring. Available in the colours grey and jeans.
  • Shopping bags made from recycled cotton. Available in the colours: blue, grey and black.
  • Beanie: available in grey and black

Upcoming weeks we will add ceramic mugs and new colours of hoodies to our assortment. To see what is currently featured in our range of merchandise, visit our webshop or have a look inside the Union shop on campus.

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