Save the date: Pride Symposium LGBTQ+ inclusion at UT, Saxion, and beyond

Th!nk with Pride UT and Th!nk with Pride Saxion are joining forces to organise a symposium centred around LGBTQ+ inclusion at their institutions and beyond. This is a topic that spans the full width of our universities: from making our education inclusive, to making an impact via inclusive policy, to conducting research to underpin these undertakings. Beyond that, the symposium will also give space for personal stories to be told, as these experiences can inspire us all.

So block your agendas! A definitive program will be announced later, but it will be an interactive day full of variety where we can all share knowledge and stories

When: 6 October, from 11:00 to 17:00
Where: in Enschede, in person, to be finalised

The spoken language at the symposium is English // De voertaal van dit symposium is Engels

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