The annual UTLC Editing Award Have your texts checked: it pays off!

UTLC has been offering a free editing service to UT employees since 2019: free of charge, we check all non-scientific texts, such as reports, newsletters, announcements, presentations, and press releases, for language and style.

Less known is that since 2020, we have also awarded an award to those who have sent us the largest number of texts, in order to thank them for the trust placed in us. Due to the situation with Covid19, we had to do this virtually in previous years, but this year we were finally able to present the winners with their awards in person.

For 2022, there were actually two joint winners: Nel Beute (CES) and Carmen Landstra (HR). The magnificent UTLC Editing Cup was presented to them by translation and editing co-ordinator Kim Middel, for 16 texts delivered per person in 2022. Pictures of the lucky winners can be seen below.

Do you also want to have your texts checked by UTLC? Just send them to and perhaps you will win this beautiful trophy next year!

The facts:

  • in 2022, we edited 225 texts, in Dutch, English and German;
  • ranging in length from 3 words to 29528 words;
  • coming from 16 faculties and departments, with M&C and CES taking the lead.

So, do you need help with your texts? Do not hesitate and send us an email! From news items to policy reports, from subtitles to job vacancy texts: we will check them.

Please note that for scientific texts, our scientific editing partners are there to help you; for more information, send an email to

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