Update Open House

We've recieved many enthousiastic reactions for joining the Open House. Who is next to register an activity? The Open House is your opportunity to show family, friends, (business) partners and other acquaintances a unique glimpse behind the scenes. But what does that glimpse look like? A day filled with fun and interactive activities like workshops, tours, demos, experiments and quizzes for visitors of all ages to experience science and technology. That’s why we are looking for you! Are you working on an interesting research, innovation or technology that visitors should not miss? Do you work with equipment or in a laboratory that the average person doesn't even know exists? Then show what you’ve got!

The Open House is an event where people guide themselves via different routes to fully experience our vibrant, green campus. These routes will be composed after we’ve received all registrations of activities and needs time to make. Therefore the deadline is 28 February. The project group Open House will compose these routes and get back to you after the puzzle has been made. Our goal is to make the routes as much as preferred by sign up.

Yes! I know how and want to participate during the Open House.
Register your activity
Register before 28 February to secure your spot.

Questions? Please contact the project group via openhuis@utwente.nl. An impression of last Open House can be watched below. 

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